Beau Soleil Celebrates 110 years of History

2020 marks a big milestone in the history of Beau Soleil as we celebrate 110 years since the school was founded by Madame Bluette Ferrier.

Children who love to read are children who succeed. kids_love_to_read Beau Soleil Celebrates 110 years of History | World Schools

Since the earliest days of its creation, the school has run on a philosophy that emphasises that is what you DO that COUNTS.

Today, this statement forms part of the schools DNA and with a vast range of extra-curricular activities and educational trips on offer to support the excellent academic programme, the next 110 years are looking bright.

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College Alpin Beau Soleil

College Alpin Beau Soleil

Founded in 1910 Beau Soleil is one of the oldest private boarding schools in Switzerland. It provides a full boarding education for students from over 55 different nationalities aged 11-18 years old. Given our spectacular location in the Swiss Alps we aim to provide an education which encourages full participation from our students both inside and outside the classroom.

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