Virtus Starts January Exam Period with Confidence 

January marks a significant milestone for students at Virtus, The British Sixth Form College, as they gear up for their crucial exam period; the first of many such occasions. The model offered at Virtus is the International A level  approach. These are A levels which are examined by installments, with examinations both in January and June of Year 12 and Year 13 for most subjects. This strategy enables students to build on each moment and secure grades which have added up cumulatively over the year.

Recognised for their rigorous academic standards and holistic approach to education, Virtus students are set to showcase their knowledge and skills acquired over the past term.

The exams, covering a wide range of subjects, are a testament to the Sixth Form’s commitment to academic excellence and student success. Teachers and staff have worked tirelessly to prepare students, offering extra sessions and support to ensure they feel confident and well-prepared. In fact, on January 7th, on that Sunday afternoon before examinations started the following morning, revision sessions were taking place at Virtus!

Virtus has also emphasised the importance of well-being during this period, with additional resources and support for stress management and mental health.

As the Virtus community rallies around its students, there is a shared sense of anticipation and confidence. The January exams are not just an end but a stepping stone towards higher achievements and future academic endeavors.

The results of these exams are expected to, once again, highlight the high standards of education and student potential at Virtus, The British Sixth Form College.

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Virtus The British Sixth Form College

Virtus The British Sixth Form College

Virtus, The British Sixth Form College is an innovative Sixth Form College devoted to academic excellence and holistic education. We specialise in A-level with an average of 5 students per class.

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