The Month Ahead at Leysin American School

The winter semester is well underway at LAS, and we have a packed month ahead! February is always a busy time of year here in Leysin, filled with some amazing trips, excursions, competitions, and opportunities to socialize. Here are just a few of the things we are looking forward to: 

Ski Season Begins

The skies are blue and the weather is crisp: it is the perfect time to begin our school ski season! Beginning this week, every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon our students will head to the Leysin slopes for skiing and snowboarding lessons. This marks such a fun time of year where energy runs high and students get to enjoy the great outdoors and our beautiful landscape. With over 60km of pistes to discover, there is no shortage of adventure and fun to be had right here on our home mountain. 

 823-img1-The-month-ahead-at-leysin-american-school The Month Ahead at Leysin American School

Linguistics Olympiad

In mid-February, six of our senior students will be competing in the Swiss Linguistics Olympiad. As one of the top 3 schools with the highest student entry rate, we are incredibly proud of our students for their participation and success (every LAS senior who tried out was admitted to the final competition!) Congratulations to our young scholars, we wish you the best of luck at the competition! 

Faculty Family Social Night 

At LAS our students are divided into small groups called Faculty Families. These groups of students and staff meet together regularly for social events and to share important news and messages. This month, our Faculty Families will be meeting for social night down at the Leysin toboggan park! With several man-made tracks to choose from, including one with a 360 degree turn, and a jump with a giant airbag at the bottom, this night never fails to bring big laughs and lasting memories for our students. Of course a night outside in the snow is never complete without a cup of hot cocoa at the end in one of the warm huts set up by the tracks. We can’t wait!

International Week Begins

At the end of February, International Week will begin! This week consists of several planned events which are designed to help our student body celebrate its diversity (did you know our student population is made up of 60 different nationalities?) From national dress up day, to school-wide international trivia, to our annual parade of flags, this week is always a blast!

Fun Weekend Trips and Activities

Our student life team has planned out some fantastic activities and events this term! Some of the fastest-approaching include several ski races around the country, an overnight trip to St. Moritz, and our annual arts celebration!

 823-img2-The-month-ahead-at-leysin-american-school The Month Ahead at Leysin American School

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Leysin American School in Switzerland

Leysin American School in Switzerland

Located in the breathtaking Swiss Alps, Leysin American School has a history of nurturing talent and motivating students to succeed in education, sports, and the arts. The boarding school bring together students from around the world to create a campus community with a global perspective and a family atmosphere. LAS offers the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma, a comprehensive US university preparatory curriculum, and, for non-native English speakers, an integrated English Language Acquisition (ELA) program.

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