Days after the 2020-2021 school year ended, the KIS campus was busy again! Construction crews arrived to begin remodeling a few areas to better serve the school community. Learning continued on campus too!
Because pandemic restrictions in South Korea make travel abroad a challenge, many KIS families elected to enjoy the break in country. KIS responded by offering a summer program open to all grade levels. The elementary day camp experience centered on outdoor exploration and play. Middle school students exercised their creativity and problem solving skills as robot engineers and filmmakers. High school students took the opportunity to earn math course credit or supplement their academic and lab skills. When the summer camp students return to campus for the 2021-2022 school year, they’ll see some changes!
The most prominent changes on the KIS campus are to the main entrance and an elementary outdoor space. First steps on campus matter. For KIS students arriving by private vehicle, the main entrance just opened up to eliminate crowding and streamline student traffic. Waiting areas with cafe seating will give parents a comfortable place to meet once campus opens to more visitors. KIS is excited to create spaces that encourage conversation.
The elementary outdoor space redesign began as a grade two and grade five design project a couple of years ago. Students dreamed, researched, and created plans to submit to KIS administration. Those first ideas seeded plans made by architects and the KIS facilities team. The final design honors the different ways children play, providing activity areas that promote movement, coordination, cooperation, creation, and reflection. The elementary outdoor space redesign models KIS’s commitment to applied learning.
Now KIS readies for the 2021-2022 school year, glad for the full summer and excited for the learning ahead!