Students Lead Groundbreaking & Impactful Initiatives: CAS Projects At The Global College

At The Global College, students are working on a variety of projects that create an impact in the community and their learning experiences. They have chosen projects that are meaningful and aligned with their values, that will teach them new skills such as entrepreneurship and that will allow them to develop their strengths while working on their weaknesses.

Choosing an engaging and impactful CAS Project is not always an easy task. Throughout the IB Diploma Programme, students should engage in a CAS Project or Experiences throughout the 2 years of the program. This project should be related to the CAS pillars Creativity, Activity and Service.

The Global College provides students with the tools, support, and guidance to launch their projects, giving them the independence and agency to grow in their academic and personal dimensions.

Publishing a magazine or book, volunteering and running food drives, or working with technologies are just some of the projects students at The Global College have developed. In this article, we will highlight some of the CAS activities that are making a difference in our community:

Microrrelatos en el Ring: A Book Published for Creative Writing in Spanish

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For their CAS project, Claudia and Natalia started the club “Escritura Creativa,” which evolved into an initiative to write and publish a book (now with an ISBN). As a result of countless hours of dedication and numerous discussions between Claudia, Natalia, and Mary Carmen, IB Spanish and Literature Teacher, it was titled “Microrrelatos en el Ring” (Short Stories in the Ring), as they claim to be stubborn and perfectionists. The book comprises short stories about their first year at the College; proceeds from its sales will support TuuuLibreria, a charitable bookstore fostering inclusive reading opportunities. Follow their project here: @microrrelatosenelring. (Instagram)

SAMO Literary & Visual Arts Magazine: A Creative Project

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Exploring creative possibilities on campus, SAMO Visual & Literary Arts Magazine was founded to inspire a community of young artists and entrepreneurs. Led by Daniela, Owner & Creator, Celia, Co-founder & Co-manager, and Sofia, Marketing Director, they aspire to create “An instant connection to a community of writers, poets and artists that lead us to the lives and the careers we want to have in the future.”  They publish their creative work and motivate students to submit their own. Together with the Video Editing Club, they have created this video about their vision. Follow their project here: @samotgc (Instagram)

Fundraising for Cambodia: Volunteering

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Last summer, students at the College visited Cambodia for a Volunteering Program. During their visit, they worked promoting education on rural communities, building houses in the fields, and learned about farming in these areas. Afterwards, a group of students led by Catalina, Laura, Martina, Celia, and Pedro launched a fundraising program to support the construction of houses in farming communities. These homes serve the purpose of housing individuals who have the capability to instruct Cambodians in farming techniques. As a stretch goal, they also seek to support the Obrum Education Project, to promote education in remote rural areas. They have raised over 10,000€! Follow their project here: @globalforcambodia. (instagram)

CSF: Volunteering Initiatives and Food Drives for Impact 

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Food drives for helping those in need during crucial moments are constantly taking place at The Global College. A Volunteering Initiative called CSF, recently collected food for the victims during the Morocco Earthquake. Led by Jinte and Matilda, a truck full of nonperishable items was delivered on time to aid during the Earthquake, creating a positive impact in the community. Their initiatives take part throughout the year, by organizing food drives for different purposes and at supermarkets throughout Madrid to achieve a significant impact. Follow their project here: @csf.tgc (Instagram)

Blockchain Club:

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The Blockchain Club, has actively explored Blockchain technology, leading to the creation of the TGC Token. Led by Niccolo, Oliver and the Mathematics Lead at the College, they have created an exclusive token that has the potential to be used within the school (as a non-monetary exchange). Unlike cryptocurrencies designed for monetary transactions, these tokens are intended to generate value that aligns with the organization’s goals. They have tested a variety of ways in which it might be used within the school to encourage positive behavior. The main objective of the club is to acquire knowledge about groundbreaking technologies that are influencing the world, comprehend the consequences of these technologies, and push their boundaries through practical, hands-on experiences.

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The Global College

The Global College

The Global College is a co-educational day and boarding school for 15 to 18-year-olds, offering an innovative IB Diploma Programme, anchored in the history and values of IE University.

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