Is it too early to start preparing your child for University?

There are a lot of things that going to a top university will do for the future of your child. Not only will they get a first-rate education that can lead to unparalleled opportunities or an exciting career. But, there are so many other benefits that come with it, ranging from having a great social and professional network to a lifelong connection to their institution.

The question however, is how young can you start preparing your child to have a better chance at their dream university?

Here are 5 reasons to start early and why having a smart strategy will make the university application process so much easier:

  1. Take time to research the top universities.
    In a world flooded with information and choice, you need to be certain that you choose the best-fit university. Perhaps your child’s ambition is to go to an Ivy League university in the US or Oxbridge in the UK? You might want to check the diversity of the programs on offer, the available courses, who the professors are, the campus facilities, and the local culture and environment. These things take time and you want to get them right.
  2. Understand the admissions process.
    It’s never too early to get familiar with the university application process and the specific parts. Many students start thinking about what they want to include in their applications during their early high school years. The university application process may seem daunting, but you don’t have to walk the path alone. Crimson Global Academy (CGA) offers University and Career Counseling that provides the correct guidance for your child’s plans after high school.
  3. Make better career choices.
    When students start to explore different options earlier on, they are much more likely to find their passion, what they’re good at and make informed decisions about their future. CGA offers a variety of subjects with potential career options in mind.
  4. Demonstrate passion for a subject.
    It is important to remember that universities will want to see more than just good grades. They are looking for ambitious and passionate young people, who are willing to give their best to become an expert in the field they are interested in. Good extra-curricular activities take years and appear more authentic when preparing university applications. Your child will not only attain valuable experience and skills, but universities will see that they are putting in the effort into learning more about the field they want to study.
  5. Save time.
    Since students only have a short time to complete their actual university applications, having all the pieces ready gives them more time to refine each section and make the application as strong as possible. And with the university search wrapped up, completing and submitting university applications will not only be less stressful, but will free up a lot of time to sort out moving plans, housing, and courses.

Knowing how to get into the best universities is a matter of being a well rounded person and while there’s no exact time to start preparing for university admissions, the strongest applicants typically start early. While students do not fill out an application in the first or second year of high school, students need to consider what they’ll put in it.

Crimson Global Academy’s university counselling program prepares students early on for university entrance, and helps students strategize by selecting the most appropriate courses, recommending extracurricular activities, and finding best fit programs at universities around the world.

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