How Online School Can Help Your Shy Child Blossom

Did you know that studies show shy children often get lower grades in school?

Of course, it’s not because shy children aren’t just as bright, intelligent, and creative as the rest of their classmates. Instead, research suggests shy children may receive lower results because they don’t feel confident sharing their great ideas in class discussions and presentations.

As the parent of a shy child, this might not be a new worry to you. You see your child’s amazing potential, but it can be difficult for them to show those abilities to everyone else around them. The words “shy” and “quiet” are often used interchangeably, but while many quiet children are comfortable and confident as introverts, shy children and adults tend to find interaction challenging or uncomfortable.

Naturally, this means shy children aren’t always affirmed in a traditional classroom environment, where participation is mostly centred around verbal discussion. If your child feels nervous about raising a hand or answering a question in front of others, teachers may not be able to see just how much they know. Group projects and class presentations, meanwhile, can cause a lot of stress and worry. For many children, classroom shyness even extends to the playground, where students may struggle to make small talk with classmates and forge friendships.

The good news? There are environments that are better suited to shy children — online schools, for example. Let’s take a look at just a few of the ways online schooling can help your child flourish as a learner.

1. More Ways to Communicate

Speaking aloud can be very daunting for shy children, especially in the presence of an authority figure like a teacher. That’s one of the reasons why many inclusive online schools offer a variety of ways to communicate in class.

For example, an online school platform may let students respond to their teachers one-on-one by typing in a private chat box. This gives shy children the chance to share their great insights and unique perspectives without the stress of publicly speaking up, or to answer a question without worrying about getting it wrong in front of others.

What’s great is that as students gain confidence typing to teachers and classmates, they often start to become bold enough to start participating through audio and video too.

2. Smaller Class Sizes

Even if you’re not shy yourself, you probably feel more self-conscious speaking in front of a large crowd as opposed to a small group. The same is true for your child. Today’s schools often have 30 or more students in one classroom, and for a shy child, having so many eyes on you can feel intimidating.

On the other hand, thanks to their virtual environments, online schools are often able to offer much smaller class sizes than their physical counterparts. With fewer classmates, shy children are more likely to feel comfortable opening up and engaging.

Plus, in a smaller classroom, a shy student is less likely to get “lost in the crowd.” It’s easier for teachers to notice if a child isn’t speaking up, and they have more time and opportunity to give every single student their individual attention.

3. Confidence-Building Flexibility

There are so many advantages to the flexible learning online education offers, but one often overlooked benefit for shy children is how it builds confidence. Traditionally, lessons move at the same pace for everyone in a class. If a shy child falls behind or misunderstands any material, they may feel too nervous to ask or answer questions in fear of getting something wrong.

With flexible online learning, students can revisit their classes and learning materials at their own pace. If your child misses a lesson or needs a refresher on a topic, they can replay that lesson or try the activities again to master their understanding. In turn, they’ll feel less lost in class and less worried about sharing their ideas.

4. A Comfortable Social Scene

Does your child’s shyness extend to their friendships in school? Not only is it disheartening to see your child struggle to make friends, socialisation is also crucial for all-round development, expanding vocabulary and teaching important interpersonal skills.

While there’s a common myth that online students don’t get to socialise, a great online school may actually be a more comfortable environment for your timid child to make friends. With online clubs and common room chats, students can connect over shared interests without having to drum up the courage to approach another child in the playground.

Plus, since online schools attract learners for a wide range of different reasons, they tend to have more diverse student bodies where classmates appreciate everyone’s differences and act compassionately to those who have need a little more encouragement to share their voice.

King’s InterHigh: The Leading Online School

If a virtual school sounds like the right fit for your shy child, consider King’s InterHigh: the leading British international online school. At King’s InterHigh, students learn in small, live classes with a range of ways to participate and 24/7 access to lesson recordings. Plus, learners enjoy a vibrant school life with co-curricular clubs and events, both online and in-person.

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King's InterHigh

King's InterHigh

King’s InterHigh is an independent British international online school. Offering Primary, Secondary and Sixth Form education, we cater to students from age 7 – 18 who are looking for a high-quality British education, working towards International GCSEs and A Levels, delivered in a way that revolves around their needs and interests. All with the backing of Inspired, the world’s leading education group.

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