World schooling for high-flyers: a ground-breaking approach

World schooling for high-flyers: a ground-breaking approach

World schooling is an educational approach that combines traditional academic learning with experiential education through travel. Families who world school believe in broadening their children’s horizons by immersing them in different cultures, experiencing diverse environments, and learning through hands-on experiences. World schooling isn’t just about seeing the world; it’s about deepening a child’s understanding of it.

For younger students and those who want to opt out of traditional academia, world schooling offers a memorable opportunity to travel and learn. But what about older children who are keen on progressing on to a top global university and need to achieve strong academic results to do so?

Online schools can provide the perfect solution for older teens who want to gain first-hand cultural experience by travelling the world but need educational stability through their exam years. A good online school will offer the structure and curriculum families need to ensure academic progress while world schooling or living between different family homes. The best schools will pride themselves in providing an education in line with that of a top independent school, with the key difference being that it can be accessed from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.

The team at Highgrove Education have years of experience in supporting pupils from across the world to achieve top grades in academic qualifications.  What do they see as the key factors to consider when combining travel with education?

Finding flexibility

Online study is normally far more flexible than a traditional school, with fewer fixed commitments and more scope for personalisation of your timetable. For example, at Highgrove Online School we teach our group classes using a combination of interactive self-study lessons, two live lessons per subject per week and one-to-one support. Only the live lessons are at fixed times; the self-study lessons can be taken at any time that suits and one-to-one support is through drop-in sessions and bookable appointments. This approach means that pupils can complete the bulk of their work at a time that best suits them. Live lessons are recorded, making it easier to catch up on any missed class time, and with options for either UK morning or afternoon time tables, there are lesson times to suit most time zones.

Developing independent learning

While the approach might sound light touch in comparison to traditional schools, the team behind Highgrove Education have achieved impressive academic results with this approach, with A level results last summer at 78% A* or A placing them in the top 1% of schools for academic results. A focus on developing independent study skills and weekly individual coaching sessions keep pupils motivated and on track. This personalised attention helps ensure that pupils have a clear path toward their educational goals and supports pupils who are balancing other commitments. Online schooling fosters independence, self-discipline, and time management skills—essential qualities for students engaged in world schooling. These skills not only benefit academic learning but also support personal growth.

Preparing to learn

The key thing here is to carve out sufficient time for your studies, and ensure that wherever you are in the world, you have access to a quiet space and a good internet connection. Students can take lessons from anywhere with decent Wi-Fi – whether that’s a local cafe, an airport departure lounge or a hotel room – but should be prepared to interact throughout their lesson, and for some subjects such as Maths and Physics, will need to be able to write digitally on a virtual whiteboard during their lessons. Online schooling provides structure, but it’s essential to maintain a consistent routine while traveling. Create a study schedule that allows for both academic work and exploration.

Choosing where to world school

Pupils will want to plan ahead for their education, and in particular will need to know where they will be during the summer exam months to ensure the exam centre is reserved and exam entries are made several months in advance. At Highgrove Online School we make these arrangements on behalf of our pupils. Outside of the exam months the world is your oyster. We have a very international school community, and it’s not uncommon for older pupils to take study holidays to stay with classmates during term times.  If you’re willing to reciprocate and have guests visiting your family, your older teen may find they can visit school friends as part of their world schooling experience.

One other popular option is to combine online schooling with work experience. Families who are happy to travel will often find opportunities for internships and voluntary work which give hands on experience in a field of interest and can help bolster those university applications.

How to Get Started with World Schooling

Families interested in combining travel with online education can start by speaking to the admissions department of their chosen online school to find out more about the options available for their child. The level of support and individualisation of your programme will depend on how bespoke your needs are, how comfortable your child is with the idea of independent study, and of course your budget.

With the right approach, world schooling with online education can offer families with a sense of adventure a unique and enriching experience. By blending academics with travel and cultural immersion, families can create unforgettable memories while fostering lifelong learning and global awareness in their children. And for those academically-minded pupils who want to progress on to world-leading universities, the option is there to combine a world-class education with world-wide travel. Now, that’s something to make your university application stand out!

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Highgrove Online School

Highgrove Online School

Highgrove Online School is a haven for ambitious pupils who want the very best all-round British education wherever they might be in the world. We offer a warm school community, an academic programme that supports pupils to achieve to the very best of their ability at GCSE and A level, and an extra-curricular programme that is second to none.

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