How coronavirus lockdown fuelled creativity in Rugby School Thailand’s teachers

As the world slowly begins to open up again, it’s a good moment to reflect on the unexpected gains from lockdown. For many staff at Rugby School Thailand the coronavirus lockdown fuelled creativity. Find out how below.

Donna Ennis-Billing, Head of History (Senior School)
“I’ve done lots of baking with my children! We’ve made some pumpkin and choc chip muffins (‘yummy’), a fruit tea loaf (‘reeeeeally nice’) and a carrot cake (‘It smells better than it tastes Mummy’). We had great fun choosing ingredients and recipes together as well as taking it in turns to add different ingredients to the bowl and mix them in. It’s been a nice (messy) addition to our home routine whilst school has been closed and, of course, with the added benefit of getting to eat the treats once they’ve baked!”

“I think isolation has acted as a reminder that often the simplest things can be the most enriching.”

Children who love to read are children who succeed. kids_love_to_read How coronavirus lockdown fuelled creativity in Rugby School Thailand’s teachers | World Schools

Caroline Watt, Year 3 teacher (Prep School)
“Starting the lockdown, I was enthusiastic about having time to dive into creative projects. I signed up for a subscription to Skillshare (which offers online lessons) and completed a course on oil painting. I also ordered an embroidery kit. It was very therapeutic and a great distraction, but as time has gone on my motivation has slowly dwindled. I am now on a creativity hiatus but I’m being quite active instead!”

“Isolation has removed the distractions of social life and day-to-day chores outside of the house. It’s given everyone more time to try new things, which has been a silver lining.”

Children who love to read are children who succeed. kids_love_to_read How coronavirus lockdown fuelled creativity in Rugby School Thailand’s teachers | World Schools

Tom Spreyer, Deputy Head, Pastoral (Senior School)
“I have two small boys and have been much more involved in their education, which has reminded me just how creative you can be to make learning fun. The results have been mixed! However, it has made me think about my own teaching (which is entirely sixth form) and how creativity gives lessons ‘hooks’ for students to hang their learning on.”

“I have also been trying to teach myself the piano, which has been slow progress, but fun. It has been a creative outlet that has given me structure, focus and time to myself.”

“Isolation has created the online dinner party, revolutionised ideas about what can be achieved while working from home and normalised digital collaboration in the arts. Hopefully, this will continue once the pandemic is over.”

Children who love to read are children who succeed. kids_love_to_read How coronavirus lockdown fuelled creativity in Rugby School Thailand’s teachers | World Schools

Sarah Josefsen, Head of Nursery and Pre-Nursery Teacher (Pre-Prep)
“Art and craft has been the main theme of our family activities recently. Secretly, art scares me a little – but during this time I’ve had to embrace the passion my children have for creative arts. My daughter’s school art project to recreate iconic art brought the family together and we surprised ourselves by having one of the best days in isolation. Together we dressed in costumes, made props and supported each other to complete the task of recreating the iconic piece of art, Van Gogh’s Sunflowers. Meanwhile, my son has developed a passion for junk modelling, which extends to the whole family as he announces his latest weekly project for us all to take part in. Working together and motivating each other in a happy environment has really made the family’s creativity blossom.”

“For many, these few months have been a time where their pace of life has slowed down, allowing time for reflection, time to think more deeply, time for new hobbies… a time for creativity. It has allowed some people a time for much needed rest, to allow their brains and bodies to relax and regain energy to then bounce back with more creative ideas than before.”

Children who love to read are children who succeed. kids_love_to_read How coronavirus lockdown fuelled creativity in Rugby School Thailand’s teachers | World Schools

Will Stoker, Head of English (Prep School)
“I’ve been wanting to learn the guitar for a long time and have finally done it during lockdown! It’s been a great way to separate the working day, focusing on something for myself before starting or finishing my teaching, planning and marking. I wouldn’t say I’m emerging from isolation as a proficient guitarist… but I am better than I was before and I have the impetus to continue learning from here”
“Isolation time has made me realise how creativity often involves taking time for yourself – and while finding that time might feel difficult (especially if you have a young family) the rewards are huge.”

Children who love to read are children who succeed. kids_love_to_read How coronavirus lockdown fuelled creativity in Rugby School Thailand’s teachers | World Schools

Rugby School Thailand is an exceptional boarding and day, co-educational school for 2-18 year olds, recently voted one of the Top 10 Boarding Schools in Asia. For more information, visit our website.

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Rugby School Thailand

Rugby School Thailand

Rugby School Thailand is an international day and boarding school, whose approach is based upon the world-renowned British private school model, and whose curriculum is drawn from the best of the England & Wales National Curriculum and the UK’s Independent Schools’ Curriculum. It is the first and only school to take the name of its prestigious parent, Rugby School (UK), which was founded 450 years ago and from where the world-famous sport originated.

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