Helau! from ISD – celebrating Karneval in Germany

Find in this article:
An ISD student’s perspective on Karneval (in German)
ISD Karneval spirit in action (in English)

Children who love to read are children who succeed. kids_love_to_read Helau! from ISD - celebrating Karneval in Germany | World Schools

An ISD student’s perspective on Karneval

Karneval ist, gemeinsam schunkeln

Von Victoria Schroeder-Finckh, ​geschrieben in der 9ten Klasse, zurzeit in der 11ten

Karneval bedeutet für mich, dass alle miteinander schunkeln. Denn das Schönste daran ist das Miteinander. Alle amüsieren sich zusammen und an Selbstironie fehlt es auch nicht. Die Kälte wird einfach weggetanzt oder eben weggeschunkelt.

Children who love to read are children who succeed. kids_love_to_read Helau! from ISD - celebrating Karneval in Germany | World Schools

Die Rosenmontagszüge sind jedes Jahr wieder etwas Besonderes. Zu Tausenden stehen die Karnevalsjecken am Straßenrand und schauen den Fußtruppen, den Musiktruppen und den großen Wagen zu. Diese Wagen persiflieren insbesondere die Politik und das Weltgeschehen. Es ist so schön, wie sich die Leute tagelang zum Narren machen.

Das Miteinander spürt man ganz besonders auf einer Karnevalsfeier. Zum Beispiel in der Lachenden Arena. Hier steht man in einer riesigen Halle zwischen 18 .000 Menschen. Vorne auf der Bühne singen die Räuber “Dat es Heimat”, in den Reihen nehmen sich die Gäste in die Arme und schunkeln zusammen. Wenn man sich umschaut, sieht man, wie sich alle Menschen in den Armen halten, ob mit Fremden, Freunden oder Familie. Egal ob die Menschen aus Köln, Düsseldorf, München, Antwerpen, San Francisco oder sonst wo herkommen: Alle feiern miteinander.

Karneval ist eine tolle Zeit, die wir alle genießen sollten. Wir sollten den Frieden, die Liebe, die Freundschaft, die Gemeinschaft und den Zusammenhalt feiern! Und das Gefühl der Gemeinschaft den Rest des Jahres bewahren.

Children who love to read are children who succeed. kids_love_to_read Helau! from ISD - celebrating Karneval in Germany | World Schools

ISD Karneval spirit in action

Karneval is an essential part of the spirit of Düsseldorf as well as Kaiserswerth. Central to the celebrations of Karneval are parade floats. The floats in NRW are known for their creativity, humor and sometimes political satire. Images of the floats are shared around the world following the yearly parade.

This year, the students from the International School of Düsseldorf were proud to be a part of the design and creation of a float for the Kaiserswerth group ​KG Düsseldorfer Nordlichter, e.V.​. It was an opportunity to give back to the community that supports ISD and to participate in this important German tradition.

Children who love to read are children who succeed. kids_love_to_read Helau! from ISD - celebrating Karneval in Germany | World Schools

ISD parents, who also happen to be artists and specialise in large scale artwork, helped guide the students as they worked on a design that adhered to this year’s parade theme: ​UnserRadschlägtumdieWelt.​ AfterspeakingwithKG Düsseldorfer, the ISD team of parents and students began a design that depicted a bicycle with Radschläger spokes traveling through iconic parts of Düsseldorf and the world.

In addition to working over two days planning and sketching the design, the team painted and added finishing touches on the float design over two weekends, creating a whimsical interpretation for KG Düsseldorfer Nordlichter, e.V. to showcase.

Don’t miss seeing the float at the ​Rosenmontag parade​ in Düsseldorf on 24 February at 12:00 in the city centre.

Children who love to read are children who succeed. kids_love_to_read Helau! from ISD - celebrating Karneval in Germany | World Schools

Children who love to read are children who succeed. kids_love_to_read Helau! from ISD - celebrating Karneval in Germany | World Schools

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International School of Düsseldorf

International School of Düsseldorf

Founded in 1968, the International School of Düsseldorf is a not-for-profit, independent, co-educational day school located in the heart of the international community of Kaiserswerth. Due to our non-profit status, all our income is invested back into the school for the benefit of our students.

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