7 reasons to choose CGA

“Why is online school better?” A question we often get asked by families is what are the common reasons students join CGA.

CGA is an extraordinarily diverse school with students from 30 countries with hundreds of different goals. Everyone comes to us with their own story and reasons but after speaking to countless families during initial consultations, there are definitely some common trends.

This is far from an exhaustive list but here are the top seven reasons students join CGA:

1. Bored at school and wanting to study subjects not offered

Approximately 30% of CGA students are studying at least one subject above their grade level so it’s no surprise that many students come to CGA after feeling “bored” at school. Students often mention they spend a lot of time waiting for other students and get told to read a book, do more worksheets or help a friend which rarely interests motivated learners. Even students from selective schools or Opportunity Classes join CGA looking for the chance to truly accelerate and get closer to earning their high school qualifications.

2. Prefers online learning / homeschooling

This encompasses a wide range of students but typically it’s students who experienced online learning for the first time during COVID-19 restrictions and preferred the quiet, focused environment at home. We also meet a lot of homeschool families who are getting into the more complex high school subjects and want the support of teachers and the structure provided by an internationally recognised curriculum.

3. Aiming to study overseas

When it comes to opening up global opportunities, no school is better equipped to support students than CGA. By teaching the International A Levels, Advanced Placement subjects and the US High School Diploma, students study the curricula preferred by top universities like Oxford, Harvard and Stanford. Additionally, full-time students have regular meetings with our Head of University Counseling who is an expert in international university admissions. Lastly, CGA students are supported by teachers who know how to write the all important recommendation letters which can make a major difference in a student’s admission chances.

4. The student has a busy extracurricular schedule

Traditional schooling hours are similar to a full-time job particularly when you include mandatory after-school activities, long lunch breaks and weekend sport. There are many students at CGA who join the school so they have the time to pursue their own passions and interests. Athletes can take classes or catch-up with class recordings to fit around their competition or training schedule; musicians and artists find the time to practice and perfect their craft; young entrepreneurs and innovators can work on their businesses and projects all while learning from world-class teachers.

5. Family travels / Rural students

Not all families can live near the same school for all 6 years of high school. For those families who have to travel regularly, CGA becomes a constant in their child’s life rather than having to regularly switch schools. In a similar situation, students whose families live regionally or who moved to rural areas often find it difficult to find well-resourced schools nearby.

6. Small classes / Top Teachers / Academic Results

We often ask families about what they look for in a “good school” and the answer usually includes a combination of small class size, top teachers and high academic achievement. At CGA, the classes are among the smallest in Australia with an average of 6-7 students in each class. In these classes, students are taught by amazing teachers that come from all around the world. And lastly, the academic results of CGA students are outstanding, beating many of the traditional top schools.

7. The student wants to catch-up

And finally, not everything at school goes to plan. Students who are academically behind due to a lack of support during COVID-19, learning difficulties, anxiety or health issues are often able to get back on track by joining classes suited to their ability or taking 1:1 classes with a CGA approved teacher. The main thing we look for with regards to students who do need this support is the motivation and maturity to catch back up.

Crimson Global Academy is an international, global online high school that allows students to accelerate their studies based on their ability rather than age. Learn more here.

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