Year 12 Students at Virtus College Conclude A-Level Exams

We are pleased to announce that Year 12 students at Virtus College have successfully completed their A-Level exams. This significant milestone marks the culmination of months of hard work, dedication, and perseverance.

With exams now behind them, students are eagerly transitioning to Year 13 content. This period is crucial as they gear up to meet the requirements for international A-Levels, laying the groundwork for their future academic and professional endeavours.

In addition to their academic pursuits, students are enjoying well-deserved breaks filled with active moments, fostering camaraderie through play, bonding, and social activities. These interactions not only provide relaxation but also enhance teamwork and communication skills, essential for their holistic development.

Virtus College remains dedicated to supporting our students through this pivotal time, ensuring they have the resources and guidance needed to succeed in their studies and beyond. We commend our Year 12 students for their achievements and look forward to witnessing their continued growth and success.

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Virtus The British Sixth Form College

Virtus The British Sixth Form College

Virtus, The British Sixth Form College is an innovative Sixth Form College devoted to academic excellence and holistic education. We specialise in A-level with an average of 5 students per class.

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