WISS Soars: A Vibrant Start to the 2024-2025 Academic Year

This week, the Western International School of Shanghai (WISS) embraced the arrival of a new academic year with enthusiasm and optimism. The campus buzzed with excitement, filled with the promise of growth, learning, and community connections.

New Staff Orientation: Nurturing Excellence

At WISS, we take pride in our exceptional faculty and staff. This year, we welcomed a talented cohort of educators and professionals dedicated to shaping young minds. The New Staff Orientation offered a warm introduction to our school’s ethos, values, and mission.

Under the guidance of our experienced leadership team, new teachers engaged in workshops emphasizing our student-centered approach to education. These sessions underlined innovative teaching methodologies, cultural competency, and the importance of fostering an inclusive classroom environment. Through collaborative activities, new staff members began to form bonds with one another, laying the foundation for a supportive network that will extend throughout the year.

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In addition to pedagogical training, new staff had the opportunity to connect with veteran teachers who shared invaluable insights about life at WISS. Informal mentorship pairings were established, ensuring newcomers had access to resources and guidance as they navigated their first year at the school.

All Staff Orientation: Setting the Tone

The All-Staff Orientation was a pivotal moment for our community, where our entire team came together to align our vision for the year ahead. Every member of the WISS family, from classroom teachers to maintenance staff, plays a vital role in fostering a positive learning environment.

During this orientation, we revisited The WISS Strategic Intent and core values—integrity, empathy, and resilience—and discussed strategies for building a supportive community. Through engaging presentations and interactive discussions, staff members reflected on the impact of their roles in students’ lives.

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Workshops covered essential topics, such as promoting student well-being, integrating technology into the classroom, and leveraging cross-disciplinary collaboration. Teachers brainstormed ideas for interdisciplinary projects that encourage students to make connections across subjects, fostering a holistic approach to learning that WISS champions.

Meanwhile, our custodial and maintenance teams meticulously prepared learning spaces and facilities, ensuring that every detail would contribute to an inspiring learning atmosphere. Their dedication underscores our community’s belief that every aspect of the school contributes to fostering student success.

Welcoming Students Back

On the first day of school, excitement radiated through the corridors. Tiger George, our beloved mascot, stood tall at the entrance gates, waving his paw to welcome students, parents, and faculty. His playful energy set the tone for the day. Students hugged old friends, exchanged stories of summer adventures, and eagerly introduced themselves to newcomers. The campus echoed with laughter, curiosity, and the promise of discovery.

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Academic Highlights: Innovative Learning Ahead

The 2024-2025 academic year promises to be rich with opportunities for exploration and learning. Our curriculum is continuously evolving, incorporating the latest research and educational best practices to engage students in meaningful ways.

This year, WISS continues emphasizing academics and expanding extracurricular offerings. Through the recently launched WISS Academy, students can participate in STEM initiatives, arts integration projects, and sports. These initiatives enhance academic learning and encourage students to develop critical life skills such as teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving.

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Looking Ahead: Embracing Opportunities

As we embark on this new academic year, the spirit of collaboration, creativity, and inclusivity at WISS remains strong. With each passing day, we strive to nurture an environment that encourages curiosity, innovation, and compassion.

The year is filled with promise as we continue to build partnerships and collaboration opportunities within our community and venture out to explore new partnerships.

The entire WISS community—students, parents, faculty, and staff—plays an integral role in shaping the experiences and memories that will define this year. Together, we will embrace the challenges and opportunities ahead.

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The Western International School of Shanghai (WISS)

The Western International School of Shanghai (WISS)

The Western International School of Shanghai (WISS) is a forward-looking school that has been inspiring young people from around the world since 2006. Our diverse and compassionate community is unique and provides the ideal environment for students to explore their passions, to develop holistically, and to succeed.

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