Why leadership opportunities should be offered from a young age

Leadership opportunities within school are extremely beneficial, as they offer children a true sense of responsibility and the ability to make positive change. At Rugby School Thailand, our staff place great confidence in student leaders to plan and lead activities, prep sessions, and School events, and work with other students. We have seen how well the students respond to this ownership and how well their peers respond to their guidance.

Our leadership initiative offers vertical student-led opportunities throughout the School. From Pre-Prep’s ‘School Council’ to our Sixth Form ‘Levee’, we have embedded a culture of leadership that fosters valuable skills for life.

Many schools offer leadership programmes; however, we take great pride in offering ours from a younger age than most, giving children as young as six-years-old valuable hands-on experience in guiding community developments. Our opportunities start early, stretch far and wide, and are tailored to the context of our School to ensure inclusivity and diversity of experience.

From a Year 2 ‘School Council’, to Sports Leaders, Ambassador, Pioneer, Playmaker and Young Leader Awards, Maths/English Leadership, House leaders, an Eco Team, a Tech Team, STEM leaders, RST Make A Difference charity ambassadors, the Sixth form ‘Levee’, and our Head Boy/Girl; there are many leadership touchpoints, and while the positions are finite, they are open to all. There is huge sense of achievement in taking part as the students collaborate, build self-belief, establish a voice, effect change and cultivate skills that guide future learning aspirations and choices. For example, some of the benefits we have seen are:
Pre-Prep School Council, the first experience of democracy, develops listening and public speaking skills; the elected children learn their ideas are not always the best, which is hard at this age. The Council produces a group of confident, ambitious children who recognise how to use their voices to help others.

Through our Prep School, ‘Young Leaders’ programme in Year 7, one of our quieter students developed confidence and became a prominent role model to peers/younger years and one of our most inspiring House Captains!

One of the first students to take on a Head Girl role developed her confidence and versatility in post, and subsequently opted for a prestigious training role at Ernst & Young, instead of studying at university with her peers.

Off the back of being a key leader in our Senior School ‘RST Make A Difference’ service group, one student developed her leadership practice and proactively pitched the creation of a new ‘Levee’ (Sixth Form leadership team) role to the Principal that included coaching younger students.

Rugby School Thailand’s aim is to improve the outcome of every student in our care. Leadership opportunities are embedded throughout the School journey, so when our students leave in Year 13, the associated skills come naturally to them. Student leadership breeds aspiration; younger students look to older ambassadors. And for those less inclined to strive for leadership roles, we find opportunities to build confidence to take on other valuable roles within our community.

Rugby School Thailand is a leading international school for 2-18 year-olds, with boarding from aged 10+. To find out more about Rugby School Thailand, click here.

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Rugby School Thailand

Rugby School Thailand is an international day and boarding school, whose approach is based upon the world-renowned British private school model, and whose curriculum is drawn from the best of the England & Wales National Curriculum and the UK’s Independent Schools’ Curriculum. It is the first and only school to take the name of its prestigious parent, Rugby School (UK), which was founded 450 years ago and from where the world-famous sport originated.

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