The Harbour School Clinches First Runner-Up in Prestigious Harvard Book Prize Essay Award

Hong Kong – October 10, 2019

A high school student from The Harbour School (THS), has won the runner up prize for the coveted Harvard Essay Award for excellence in English writing.

Children who love to read are children who succeed. kids_love_to_read Harbour School Clinches First Runner-Up in Harvard Book Prize Essay Award | World Schools

Chiara Machin-d’Arbela is a Grade 12 student at the school and her winning entry “Are you guilty of ‘phubbing’?” discussed moral and ethical implications of an aspect of online behaviour and how it affects personal relationships.

Last year, THS Grade 10 student Brandon Wong clinched the top prize.

Organised by The Harvard Club of Hong Kong, the Harvard Essay Award is an annual competition open only to students nominated by their school for academic excellence, leadership skills and community service. In total, 720 students from 246 local and international secondary schools in Hong Kong were nominated for this year’s Harvard Book Prize, of which 86 students entered in the Harvard Book Prize Essay competition.

Children who love to read are children who succeed. kids_love_to_read Harbour School Clinches First Runner-Up in Harvard Book Prize Essay Award | World Schools

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