Semester 1 Highlights

Another semester is complete! We’ve created a highlights video for a look back at stand-out moments and achievements for the International School of Beijing (ISB).

ISB’s work August through December was centered on the school’s Strategic Focus Areas, which we began implementing in 2022-2023 to consolidate our efforts and resources around what is most valued by the ISB community. Semester 1 held many memorable moments, like:

  • International Day
  • Book Week
  • Farmers Markets on campus and other initiatives in line with ISB’s sustainability commitment
  • Coffee mornings and workshops keeping families informed and connected to the school
  • Student-led Elementary School assemblies sharing classroom learning with parents
  • Theater productions and performing arts
  • The return of our Great Wall Shootout basketball tournament

Throughout the semester, classes were challenged and found joy with modern academic and vibrant co-curricular programs empowering those taking part. And ISB students, families, and staff enjoyed being together in the school’s inclusive international community. See you in 2024!

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International School of Beijing

International School of Beijing

With a non-profit model, research-based approach to education, and world-class facilities on our beautiful campus, ISB ensures our students can achieve impressive outcomes and discover their passions.

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