Preparing for A Level Results Day

By Claire Cecil, Head of Higher Education and Careers, Rugby School Thailand

Congratulations! You have completed your A Level examinations! You made it! And now begins the nail-biting wait for your results in August.

Getting your A Level results comes with a mix of emotions. After all, your future’s at stake – or at least it may feel that way. Will you get into your first choice university? Your insurance university? Or will you go through Clearing to secure your spot? You may still be undecided, or have changed your mind! So what are your next steps?

Regardless of how you may feel, know that you are not alone. Countless students have ben in your shoes over the years, and have found success in their own ways. You’ll find yours too, so try not to waste time and energy worrying about worst-case scenarios.

The secret to navigating results day is to be prepared. Here are some top tips!

  1. Know the Results Date and TimeFor A Level students in Thailand, the release of results in 2024 will take place as follows:

Cambridge International Education AS & A Level results

  • Tuesday 13th August 2024, 00 BST (12:00 Thailand Time): Results released via Cambridge Candidate Results Website at Your Username and password (issued by your Exams Officer) will enable you to view your exam results online.

AQA/OxfordAQA & Pearson Edexcel AS & A Level results

  • Thursday 15th of August 2024 at 08.00 BST (14:00 Thailand Time): you will receive a notification email from the Exams Officer with the link to view your results.
  1. Understand the Process

UK entry

  • UCAS will receive A Level results directly from the Examination Boards, before the release of results. Students will therefore be unable to see any updates in their UCAS Hub until the embargo lifts at 0800 (BST) on 15 August 2024, after which they can access their confirmation decisions.
  • UK applicants will see if they have been confirmed at their firm or insurance choice university. If they are unplaced, the university may still be considering the application (if they have not met the conditions of the offer) or the student may be eligible for clearing.
  • The 2024 UCAS guide to confirmation and clearing can be found online
  • A useful clearing checklist for the day is:
    • A pen and paper ready to make notes.
    • A fully charged mobile phone to make calls.
    • Your UCAS login details.
    • Your Personal ID number.
    • Your Clearing number (this will be on your application if you need to use Clearing).
    • Your grades.

Other global applications
Processes and requirements for other global universities can vary considerably. Often, universities require final transcripts (either sent by the School or uploaded/sent by the applicant).

It’s important that you understand the requirements of your university to confirm your offer. Check emails and follow instructions carefully!

3) Have your Documents Ready

You will need your UCAS ID (or other university application number ready), your clearing ID and your results. Your clearing number can be found in your UCAS Hub if you have been rejected by your firm and insurance choice institutions, or if you have declined your offers.
4) Have a Plan B in place

Should your results turn out differently than you had anticipated, having a Plan B, (such as a list of alternative degree and university choices, along with their contact details), will prepare you to move quickly.

What to do if you have not met the conditions of your offer

5) First and foremost, you mustn’t panic!
If there is no confirmation decision from your first choice university, they may still be considering your application. We appreciate that this can be a stressful time, so taking care of your mental health and wellbeing is a priority.

6) Speak to the university or college as soon as possibleThey may be flexible, especially if you only narrowly missed the conditions of your offer.

7) UK students: Have you been confirmed by your insurance choice?
If not, use clearing to find a course.

8) If you intend to appeal your grade, let your university know immediately
9) Seek Support
Make sure that you have a good support system. Have your close friends or family members close by when you access your results. Speak to the Higher Education Team to discuss alternative pathways if required.

A Level results day can be daunting, but with the correct preparation and support, you can navigate it successfully.
Remember to stay calm, be prepared, and keep your options open. Your pathway to success is unique, and with the right mindset, you’ll find the way that’s best for you. Good luck!

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Rugby School Thailand

Rugby School Thailand

Rugby School Thailand is an international day and boarding school, whose approach is based upon the world-renowned British private school model, and whose curriculum is drawn from the best of the England & Wales National Curriculum and the UK’s Independent Schools’ Curriculum. It is the first and only school to take the name of its prestigious parent, Rugby School (UK), which was founded 450 years ago and from where the world-famous sport originated.

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