LAS University Advisors Illuminate the Path to Higher Education Success

At LAS, we guide students through every step of their university advising journey. From Student Success meetings with their advisors to attending university fairs, students leave LAS with well-informed decisions about their future. Choosing the right university can be overwhelming, especially given that many LAS students apply to universities in multiple countries. Our international student population comes from numerous countries and cultures, and therefore our alumni community reaches far across the globe! Our students leave LAS knowing that they’re never far from someone who has a shared experience with them, whether that’s a classmate, or an alumni from a previous decade!

Location plays a significant role in a university experience. LAS students determine with their advisors whether they thrive in the vibrant energy of a city or the tranquility of a traditional campus surrounded by green spaces. With Leysin’s picturesque and quiet landscape, many students opt for similar university experiences, whilst others seek a change and thrive in a city environment. In addition, small, medium, and large campuses offer unique advantages—besides considering the institution’s size, students reflect on their learning style and consider whether smaller class sizes or a larger student body align better with their academic goals.

Many students seek a university with as many varied experiences as LAS. Students often research elements that emulate the LAS experience, including the family community common in Greek life (typically at US universities), as well as a breadth of activities and clubs which will allow them to learn skills and meet new people. For many students, it’s important to consider diversity and inclusion, something that we place great emphasis on here at LAS. Having a diverse student community at their university of choice eases the transition from LAS to university life, since our LAS community is so varied.

With the help of their university advisor, students ensure the universities they apply for offer a wide range of majors and minors that align with their interests. Investigating whether the institution provides flexibility for potential changes in their academic pursuits is equally essential. Students are also encouraged by their university advisors to research personal and professional growth opportunities at their chosen institutions. Whether that’s internship programs or study abroad opportunities, lots of students have high aspirations and choose universities based on ability for growth.

As students build their university list, they are reminded by advisors to prioritize their needs and preferences. By conducting thorough research and working together with their university advisor, LAS students are equipped to make an informed decision that sets them on a path to academic and personal success. Preparing students for life after LAS is an essential part of their academic journey, and we feel we have done our job when students feel happy with their decisions for higher education, no matter the path they choose.

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Leysin American School in Switzerland

Leysin American School in Switzerland

Located in the breathtaking Swiss Alps, Leysin American School has a history of nurturing talent and motivating students to succeed in education, sports, and the arts. The boarding school bring together students from around the world to create a campus community with a global perspective and a family atmosphere. LAS offers the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma, a comprehensive US university preparatory curriculum, and, for non-native English speakers, an integrated English Language Acquisition (ELA) program.

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