Jerudong International School (JIS) students excel in their IB Diploma results

The Class of 2023 International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma students at Jerudong International School (JIS) are celebrating a superb set of IB Diploma results. With an average score of 34.83, our students are ahead of the global average of 30.24. 76% of the JIS students exceeded the world average, 41% achieved 36 points or above and 24% achieved 40 points or above. This is significant because to enter the prestigious Russell Group Universities in the UK, 36 points is typically the minimum score required.

The School’s IB results continue to be outstanding, building on the excellent history of IB Diploma provision at JIS. Han Hor (Head Girl) and Tania Teo (Fireback Deputy House Captain) both achieved the highest score of 44 points. Tania is heading to University College London (UCL) in the UK to pursue Pharmacy (M Pharm). Han will be studying at London School of Economics (LSE) to study International Relations and History.

Rui Yi Ang (Skylark Eco-JIS Captain) achieved 42 points and will also go to the London School of Economics (LSE) but will study Politics, Philosophy and Economics. Haziq Kasmirhan (Eagle House Captain) and Sahana Rajinikanth (Whistler Events Captain) achieved 41 points. Sahana will also join the London School of Economics (LSE) to pursue International Social and Public Policy. Haziq is currently applying to study Medicine in Australia.

Two students achieved 40 points – Issy Hassall (Fireback Eco-JIS Captain) and Najwa Shahadan (Whistler Deputy Events Captain). Najwa will study aircraft maintenance engineering and management in Scotland while Issy will have a GAP year. Three students achieved 38 points – Widad Sahraini (Kingfisher Well-being Lead), Zara Raymin (Skylark Deputy House Captain) and Tasya Juraimi (Osprey Sports Captain & Digital Citizenship Lead). Widad and Tasya are both Ministry of Education scholarship students. Ameerah Redzuan (Osprey Eco-JIS Captain and Ministry of Education scholarship student) and Hannah Turner both achieved 36 points.

Mr Nicholas Sheehan, Principal of JIS said that “whilst these top performing students will leave JIS with superb academic results, they will be remembered more by their fellow students for the significant impact as young leaders in the school and the influence they have had on those around them. They have set an excellent example to the younger members of our community. These success stories would not have been written without their parents support and also that of the academic team in the Upper Years – Mr Daniel Milner (Head of Senior School and JIS Vice Principal), Mr Alex Cook (Academic Director) and Mr Dan Roberts (IB Coordinator and Head of Sixth Form – academic), who, together with the teaching and pastoral staff continue to challenge and inspire students to become the best that they can be.”


The International Baccalaureate is offered at JIS as one of the pre-university options for 16-18 year olds and is the world’s fastest growing international qualification. To complete this challenging qualification, students study six subjects – three at Higher Level and three at Standard Level including English, Maths, a Language, a Humanities subject, a Science subject plus a final creative or elective subject choice. In addition, they complete a challenging 4000 word piece of research, a mini thesis, as well as completing Theory of Knowledge (ToK), a critical thinking skills course as well as a compulsory Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS) component which takes place throughout the two years.


Monday, 9 October 2023


在过去10年杰出的成绩基础上,JIS今年继续保持着优异的IBDP成绩。学校学生会女生主席Han Hor和Fireback学院副院长Tania Teo均获得了44分的本校最高分。文莱学生 Tania 前往英国伦敦大学学院(UCL)攻读药剂学 而 Han 则得到了伦敦经济学院(LSE)的录取通知书,攻读国际关系和历史。


担任Skylard学院环境部长的文莱学生 Rui Yi Ang取得了42分并获得伦敦经济学院(LSE)的录取通知书攻读政治、哲学和经济学。文莱学生,Eagle学院的院长 Haziq Kasmirhan 和 Whistler学院活动部长S ahana Rajinikanth 都获得了41分。Sahana 也会前往伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)学习国际社会与公共政策课程;文莱学生Haziq目前正在申请前往澳大利亚攻读医学课程。

另外两名学生:担任Fireback学院环保部长的 Issy Hassall 和Whistler学院活动部副部长 Najwa Shahadan 都获得了40分的成绩。文莱学生 Najwa Shahadan 将在苏格兰学习飞机维修工程和管理而 Issy会享受一个空档年。担任Kingfisher学院健康幸福部长的 Widad Sahraini,Skylark学院副部长 Zara Raymin 和担任Osprey学院运动部长以及数字化公民领袖的 Tasya Juraimi 都取得了38分的好成绩。Widad 和 Tasya 都是教育部奖学金学生。作为Osprey学院环保部长的 Ameerah Redzuan 也是教育部奖学金学,她和 Hannah Turner 都得到了36分的成绩。

JIS校长 Nicholas Sheehan 表示:“尽管这些表现优秀的学生将以出色的学术成绩离开杰卡学校,但更重要的是,他们将因为作为学校年轻领袖在同学中产生的重大影响以及在封锁期间对周围人的影响而被同学们铭记。他们为我们社区的年轻成员树立了卓越的榜样。这些成功故事离不开他们父母的支持,也离不开高年级学术团队的支持,这其中包括了高中部负责人和副校长 Daniel Milner,Lynsay Scott (教务主任) 和 Alex Cook(学术主任),当然还有其他的教职人员一起不断激励鼓舞我们的学生以让他们成为最优秀的自己。”


遮鲁东国际学校为16-18岁的学生提供国际文凭课程,这是作为大学预备选项之一的课程也是全球发展最快的国际资格证书。要完成这一具有挑战性的资格证书,学生需学习六门课程 – 包括三门高级课程和三门标准课程,其中包括英语、数学、一门语言、一门人文科目、一门科学科目以及一项创意或选修科目。此外,他们需要完成一篇具有挑战性的4000字研究论文,一个迷你论文,以及完成“知识的理论”(ToK)课程,这是一门批判性思维技能课程,还有一个必修的创造力、活动和服务(CAS)组成部分,整个课程贯穿两年时间。


Image Description
1. 01 IB Class of 2023 Group Photo 01 IB Class of 2023 Group Photo Jerudong International School (JIS) students excel in their IB Diploma results IB Class of 2023 Group Photo – The Graduating IB Cohort with Mr Dan Roberts, (IB Coordinator and Head of Sixth Form – academic).
2. 02 Han Hor 02 Han Hor Jerudong International School (JIS) students excel in their IB Diploma results Han Hor – Han achieved 44 points. Han was Head Girl and is going to LSE to read International Relations and History.
3. 03 Tania Teo 03 Tania Teo Jerudong International School (JIS) students excel in their IB Diploma results Tania Teo – Tania achieved 44 points and is going to UCL in the UK for an MPharm.

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Jerudong International School

Jerudong International School

Founded in 1997, JIS Brunei is located in South East Asia, in the small, country of Brunei Darussalam, on the island of Borneo. In January 2019, Jerudong International School (JISBrunei) was the first international school in the world to achieve the highest rating in all 9 areas inspected by the British Schools Overseas (BSO) inspectorate.

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