How to Cultivate a Thriving Social Life as an Online Student

Contrary to what you might believe, being an online student doesn’t mean you have to compromise meaningful connections and friendships, or an awesome social life. In fact, online learning environments often foster even greater motivation for interaction and relationship-building! If you’re navigating the world of online learning and looking for creative ways to build community, you’re in the right place. Here are some of our inside tips alongside unique social opportunities only found at Laurel Springs!

Be Open, and Step Outside Your Virtual Classroom

First things first: to build community, you must be willing to show up authentically and openly. Having a spirit of curiosity in classes by asking questions and engaging with your teachers and classmates not only helps you learn more, but also encourages connections. Your engagement shows others that you’re interested and present, and qualities like those are magnets for healthy relationships.

Don’t be afraid to immerse yourself in opportunities that allow live interaction with others – like group discussions, study sessions, hangouts, meet-ups, class assemblies, or in-person and online school events. You can also side-chat fellow students if you discover that you have a shared interest!

At Laurel Springs, we offer both virtual and in-person events. Here’s a glimpse at what’s unique and approaching:

  • Field Trips to Sarasota, Florida and Santa Barbara, California
  • An Engineering Week featuring guest speakers, games, and hands-on engineering challenges via live Zoom sessions
  • Year-End Celebration (YEC)
  • 2024 Summer Program
    • K-5 Online Summer Camps
    • Readiness Camps for rising 6th and 9th graders
    • 6-week hybrid intensive Pre-algebra and Geometry courses
    • LIVE Summer College Athletics Bootcamp
    • LIVE Summer College Essay Writing Workshop

…and this is just a glimpse! Furthermore, events like Coffeehouses are an opportunity for students to showcase their performing arts talents, while Maker Faire is a platform for inventive minds to display their creations. Art and Photography exhibits celebrate the work of Laurel Springs students, and for those intrigued by computer science, Hour of Code offers a basic introduction to coding! Events like these give students a chance to engage with peers, showcase their abilities, learn new skills, and dive deeper into their passions.

Explore Your School’s Clubs and Activities

Clubs are one of the best ways to get involved at your online school. At Laurel Springs, we offer more than 30+ virtual clubs where students can explore and discover their passions and interests. From Health & Wellness and Creative Computing Clubs to High School Debate and Equestrian Clubs, these activities are led by faculty and staff who share the students’ interest, providing a relaxed and enjoyable virtual experience.

Here’s a sneak peek at some 6-12 club additions for the 2024-2025 school year:

  • Newspaper & Journalism Club: Become a contributing writer for our new monthly publication, The Lion’s Den!
  • Yearbook Club: It’s time to create a compilation of memories of the 2023-2024 school year!
  • Mindful Moments: Take time out from your busy schedule for some deep breaths with your peers.
  • Neural Network: From neuroscience to artificial intelligence, explore all things “the brain!” What was once a hangout is now a dedicated club.

Make a Global Impact with Model United Nations

Our Model United Nations Club is a student-run marvel that meets online bimonthly. It’s a unique blend of learning about the UN system, debate, compromise, conflict resolution, and negotiation. This March, our Model United Nations students attended a conference in NY, offering them a global platform to apply their skills. One student shared, “Being in the general assembly hall was INCREDIBLE. I met friends I had been working with for years and lots of new people, too. It was amazing to put my skills to use on a global level.”

Get Involved with Student Ambassadors and Student Government

Student Ambassador Programs are perfect for those wanting to invest further in their school’s online community. Ambassadors help welcome new students, host virtual and in-person events, and share their experiences with prospective families and students. Student Government also serves as a wonderful outlet for those driven in the leadership department. Experience gained in activities like these are invaluable and always stand out on college applications!

Join Our Private Network, LSS Connect

LSS Connect is Laurel Springs’ private online social network for parents and students. Meet and connect with peers from all over the world that share your interests or live in your area! This platform is the ultimate way to stay informed on what’s happening at Laurel Springs, and it’s another unique opportunity to invest in the LSS community.

At the end of the day, jumping into the social scene as an online student is about much more than joining a few clubs – it’s about embracing every chance to connect, learn, and grow. Think of it as your own social adventure! Whether it’s exploring all things neuroscience in the Neural Network club, making your voice known in Student Government, or celebrating with classmates at your Year-End Celebration, each experience adds a splash of color to your life. Don’t be afraid to immerse yourself fully in whatever events, clubs, or environments you choose; because, no matter what, doing so ALWAYS results in discovering something new!

About Laurel Springs School

Laurel Springs is a fully accredited, private online school for K-12 students. With a premier college-prep curriculum including AP and Honors courses, an ever-expanding schedule of in-person and virtual events, and a global student community, we’re ranked as one of the top online private schools in the nation. Join us for a Virtual Open House to learn more!

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Laurel Springs School

Laurel Springs School

Laurel Springs is a fully accredited, private online school for K-12 students. With a premier college-prep online curriculum including AP and Honors courses, an ever-expanding schedule of in-person and virtual events, and a global community spanning over 100 countries, we’re ranked as one of the top online private schools in the nation.

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