How Parents, Students, and Schools Can Work Together to Create a Triangle for Success

Written by Patty McPhie, PHR (Lead Enrollment Specialist, Laurel Springs School)

Ahhh, student success, the ultimate goal! But, how do we achieve this?

For the past thirty years, I have had the privilege of working with students from infancy through college. As a mom, I strive to be a role model and mentor to my own children, who are now 17 (a senior in high school) and 18 (a college freshman). I joined Laurel Springs School to make a difference in the lives of children and families. I embrace the mission statement of helping students achieve their academic goals while pursuing their passions at a high level. My daughter was a full-time student at Laurel Springs, so I have a unique perspective as both a Laurel Springs staff member and parent.

Through my personal and professional experience, I’ve identified three key components that are essential for a student to feel optimally successful in their online education:

  • Students who are committed to their academics, motivated to learn and willing to accept constructive feedback and reach out for assistance when needed will experience success. Online students also need to have high executive functioning skills, or be willing to develop this valuable life skill.
  • An excellent school offering top notch curriculum, responsive and supportive staff, and dedicated teachers who provide meaningful feedback through assignment comments or audio, office hours, live workshops, email, Zoom, and phone support.
  • Dedicated parents who are committed to assisting their students by selecting the best learning institution for their child, helping to set them up for success, and offering support and encouragement along the way, as well as setting expectations and boundaries. They also need to have open lines of communication with their students, and the school, teachers and staff.

They say most things come in threes, and I know any good decorator will tell you to set three items in each presentation. So, my recipe for success embraces the above three components and is a triangle of honest, clear communication between parents, students, and the school. It is a great visual for how to be successful in any situation, but most definitely in an online school setting.

The Online Student Triangle for Success

WSPost-Laurel Springs-Triangle for Success WSPost-Laurel Springs-Triangle for Success How Parents, Students, and Schools Can Work Together to Create a Triangle for Success

Students are at the center of the triangle, but they are also the base – they must be willing to dive in and commit time to their courses, submit assignments, accept, learn and grow from feedback, and communicate with teachers. The students are supported on both sides by dedicated parents and a high-quality school. Student success is achievable when we all work together to guide students, and when students are willing participants in the journey. Here’s what this looks like for each party involved:

  1. The Student’s Job:Be an active participant in their education – connect with their teachers, manipulate through curriculum, submit assignments and accept feedback. Communicate to their parents and teachers along the way. The student’s main job is to learn and do their work! Try to be an active part of the school community by joining a club, interacting during online discussions or workshops, attending a field trip – whatever works best for the individual student. Being involved, making friends, connecting with teachers for additional support – these things do lead to greater student success.
  2. The Parent’s Job: Set clear expectations with their students, and offer support, guidance and encouragement along the way. Read and respond to school communications and take advantage of conferences and webinars. Field trips are fun for you too! Be realistic in your expectations (this may be a hard one, but it is key in setting your students up for their best chance at success).
  3. The School’s Job:Provide top-notch curriculum, responsive and caring teachers, counselors and staff, and a great system of communication with both students and parents. At Laurel Springs, progress reports are sent out twice a month to parents and students. This report shows course name, teacher name, start and end dates, last course activity date, last submission date, current grade and current progress, and upcoming courses. Use this as a conversation starter – student with a teacher, parent with a student, school staff with the family.

When students take the driver’s seat and feel empowered in their educational journey, and are supported by a high quality school and dedicated parents, the destination ahead is great academic success. Try embracing the Triangle for Success in your family’s online learning experience and watch how your child’s academic growth and personal development transform!


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Laurel Springs School

Laurel Springs School

Laurel Springs is a fully accredited, private online school for K-12 students. With a premier college-prep online curriculum including AP and Honors courses, an ever-expanding schedule of in-person and virtual events, and a global community spanning over 100 countries, we’re ranked as one of the top online private schools in the nation.

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