How Online Private School Offers a Fresh Start for Students Seeking Change

We all experience change throughout our lives. We’re continuously evolving, growing, adapting, and learning! And, although change can be uncomfortable at times, it’s often the fuel we need to discover the best-suited environments and relationships for our unique, personal needs. For many students, a fresh start at an online private school like Laurel Springs School can serve as a positive turning point – offering them a clean slate, a change of pace, and a learning environment that truly champions them as an individual.

Seeking a Better Fit

Traditional brick-and-mortar schools are structured to cater to the majority. However, for various reasons, some students find that this typical learning environment doesn’t align with their learning style, personal challenges, or social preferences. It could be due to social anxieties, different learning paces, or the mere need for a flexible routine to accommodate their external pursuits.

In these situations, a shift in their educational environment can be a huge game-changer.

At Laurel Springs, we recognize these unique needs. By offering an educational framework that is personalized, and tailored support from advisors, counselors and teachers, we break down barriers that many students encounter in more conventional learning settings.

Personalized and Flexible Learning

We take pride in our flexible learning approach. No matter a student’s outside interests, social background, educational strengths, or areas for growth, their educational journey is prioritized at Laurel Springs. Every academic path is different, and our curriculum is designed to harmonize students’ personal needs and external passions with their coursework.

While traditional schools might emphasize a one-size-fits-all model, at Laurel Springs, there’s a recognition that every child is unique. Students take full charge of their learning – deciding how and when they want to engage, structuring their schedule to suit their lifestyle, and allowing them to choose how they want to integrate into the Laurel Springs community. This can be incredibly liberating for students who might have felt confined or misunderstood in previous educational settings.

“We [online students] have so much more free time to do sports, travel, visit, and experience life than people in traditional school,” shared Laurel Springs graduate, Lauren Tossens.

“At first, I was reluctant to study online because I thought I was going to be isolated and alone, but Laurel Springs provided a supportive environment. Teachers were present and ready to answer my questions or meet on Zoom, [and] there [were] also lots of clubs and activities that created a sense of community even though students were studying from different parts of the world.”

A Place Where Everyone Belongs

For students who might have faced social challenges in traditional schools, online education can provide relief and serve as a safe space. There’s no pressure to “fit in” or conform to peer standards at Laurel Springs because every student’s journey here is different! Students interact on their terms, with the added benefit of a global community that introduces them to diverse perspectives.
Moreover, Laurel Springs offers an incredible range of engaging activities – including over 30 clubs with offerings like Health and Wellness U-Fit, Equestrian, Travel & Tourism, Student Government, and a counseling-led space for open dialogue surrounding diversity, equity, and inclusion; educational field trips to places like historical Boston and the Las Vegas Circus Center; in-person community events like baseball games; and quarterly virtual “Coffeehouses” where students are invited to showcase their talents in poetry, dance, music, and beyond.

This approach ensures that while students may be learning online, they’re not isolated, and they are consistently empowered in their individual interests. They’re part of a thriving community of passionate learners, performers, athletes, innovators, artists, activists, and more.

“One of my AP US Government students worked on a local election. He saw the concepts from class play out in the real world!” – Lousia, Laurel Springs Social Studies Teacher

Comprehensive Support

Another significant benefit of transitioning to an online private school is the well-rounded support system. At Laurel Springs, students aren’t just numbers; they’re valued individuals. Our specialized teachers, counselors, and placement coordinators are trained to cater to students’ unique requirements and aspirations. They provide personalized feedback and guidance, ensuring that each student feels seen, valued, and set up for life-long success. From NCAA recruitment guidance for college-bound student athletes to a collaboration with that offers 24/7 academic assistance, the support for students at Laurel Springs reaches far and wide, and is always there.

Fostering Emotional and Social Growth Beyond Academics

Emotional and social well-being are a primary value of our staff and faculty, so it’s crucial to us that our students feel encouraged in this realm. With various engagement opportunities like our speaking events, seminars and workshops, virtual and in-person community events, and private social network, students have endless chances to interact, share, and grow.

These experiences prepare students not just for college or their chosen career path, but for life itself. By regularly interacting with peers, experts, and educators, students develop critical life skills – from communication and problem-solving to empathy and self-awareness.

Developing a Broader Perspective

Being understood by others feels good, and comprehending those around you is equally rewarding. In today’s interconnected world, having a global perspective benefits nearly every area of life. Laurel Springs’ international community means students aren’t just learning about different cultures – they’re interacting with them firsthand. Our world languages program is a testament to this, offering courses in multiple languages and even opportunities for students to embark on school-organized international trips to put language study into practice.

A Fresh Start With a Lasting Impact

For students seeking a change from the confines of traditional schooling, online private education offers a world of opportunity. At Laurel Springs, students find more than just flexibility and premiere education – they discover a space where their individuality is celebrated, their needs are understood, and their potential is nurtured.

If you’re considering a fresh start for your child, delve deeper into what Laurel Springs offers by attending a Virtual Open House. It could be the transformative experience your child needs to flourish academically, emotionally, and socially.

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Laurel Springs School

Laurel Springs School

Laurel Springs is a fully accredited, private online school for K-12 students. With a premier college-prep online curriculum including AP and Honors courses, an ever-expanding schedule of in-person and virtual events, and a global community spanning over 100 countries, we’re ranked as one of the top online private schools in the nation.

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