Holistic Growth at LAS: How Faculty Families Nurture Social, Emotional, and Academic Success

At Leysin American School in Switzerland (LAS), our unique Faculty Families play a vital role in enriching the student experience. Each student is assigned to a “family” composed of faculty members as “parents” and a group of fellow students. This arrangement fosters a supportive community outside of the academic day, a feature that sets us apart from other institutions. These Faculty Families were established to guide students through life at LAS and encourage them to connect with others beyond their regular peer groups. By nurturing these connections, students build a supportive community and make the most of their time at boarding school.

Every week, Faculty Families meet to take part in various activities. More than just check-ins, these gatherings range from casual dinners and interesting educational talks to exciting events like movie nights, tobogganing, or other fun excursions. Unlike typical academic advisors who focus primarily on grades and performance, LAS Faculty Parents take a holistic approach by prioritizing their students’ social and emotional well-being in addition to their academic success. This important system makes sure that students are not only excelling academically but also emotionally supported during what can sometimes be a challenging time to readjust to a new life and routine.

Recently, our students took part in a fun Faculty Family Day, where they tried new activities and met new people outside of the regular school setting. Students tried wake surfing, visited thermal baths, went canyoning, took city breaks, solved escape room puzzles, and much more! These experiences helped students create lasting memories with their Faculty Families while having a fantastic time. Our location in the heart of Switzerland also ensures that there is never a lack of new experiences for our students. We love showing them all that Switzerland has to offer, and we can’t wait for the change in season when they can experience the beautiful snowy Alps with their friends and Faculty Families!

Here at LAS, we focus on the student as a whole. Giving students the freedom to de-stress and try new things adds to their social, emotional, and academic well-being. Meeting people from different nationalities, trying new things, and gaining insights into Swiss culture make students more empathetic, self-aware, and compassionate. This holistic approach always adds to our students’ academic performance, creating a well-rounded individual ready for life in the future.

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Leysin American School in Switzerland

Leysin American School in Switzerland

Located in the breathtaking Swiss Alps, Leysin American School has a history of nurturing talent and motivating students to succeed in education, sports, and the arts. The boarding school bring together students from around the world to create a campus community with a global perspective and a family atmosphere. LAS offers the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma, a comprehensive US university preparatory curriculum, and, for non-native English speakers, an integrated English Language Acquisition (ELA) program.

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