Grade 5 PYP Exhibition

On 28 May, the atmosphere at Prem School was full of excitement and nervousness as the Grade 5 students proudly presented their PYP Exhibition, the culminating event of their Primary Years Programme (PYP) journey. This annual exhibition showcased the students’ growth as inquirers, thinkers, and communicators, highlighting their learning and achievements.

The day began with a wonderful poetry performance by the Grade 5 students. Their short poems were rich and insightful providing a glimpse into the diverse topics explored in the PYP Exhibition process.

As visitors moved from exhibit to exhibit, they were impressed by the students’ confidence and knowledge. Engaging with visitors, the students answered questions in detail, demonstrating their grasp of their passions and their ability to think critically and communicate effectively. Each exhibit was inviting and informational, clearly reflecting the students’ hard work and dedication.

The variety of topics covered in this year’s exhibition was truly impressive. Students tackled issues of mental health, explored the dynamics of sports, the Arts, baking, and the joys of gardening. They delved into the complexities of artificial intelligence, shared the benefits of healthy baking, examined the impact of video games and too much screen time, developed a love for nature and arthropods. Other inquiries investigated animal welfare, the impact of animals on our wellbeing, and how to keep safe in Air Pollution. Each topic was presented with enthusiasm and a depth of understanding that drew the audience in.

The PYP Exhibition was more than a showcase of projects; it was a celebration of learning, collaboration, and personal growth. The Grade 5 students demonstrated their ability to inquire deeply, think critically, and communicate their findings effectively. Their exhibits clearly demonstrated the transdisciplinary skills they have developed throughout their PYP journey.

Mary Ann Van De Weerd
Deputy Junior School Principal
PYP Coordinator

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Prem International School

Prem International School

Prem is a leading international co-educational boarding and day school nestled in the serene foothills north of Chiang Mai on one of the most beautiful natural campuses in the world. Our 100-acre campus houses golf, tennis, music and swim academies, as well as a forest school and a farm! With over 100 enriching activities to choose from, including arts, sports, and community service initiatives, students are encouraged to pursue their passions and chart their own unique journey.

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