5 Tips for a Smooth Transition to Online Learning

Online schooling unlocks a world of exciting possibilities for globally minded families.

Without the geographic restrictions of a bricks-and-mortar school, your child can get a top-notch education and international community of classmates no matter where you are in the world.

While shifting from in-person learning to virtual school can be a big change, with a few proactive steps, your child will be off to a smooth transition in no time.

1. Prepare your devices

Not all learning at online school takes place on a computer — hands-on project work, for example — but that is where your child will take their classes. So, to avoid the nightmare of a blank screen on the first day, make sure you’ve confirmed all your child’s tech is good to go on day one.

Alongside testing your child’s laptop or desktop PC for full functionality, make sure any peripheral devices are working well too — think webcams, microphones, and headphones. When you know you’re clear of sound and visual issues, do a quick check on your internet connectivity. Your child will need a decent internet speed to take part in video lessons without lag, so if your wi-fi is running unexpectedly slowly, you may want to move your child’s desk closer to your router.

Finally, if your school has any recommended or required applications (for example, a virtual classroom app or word processing tool), be sure to download and fully install these ahead of the first day.

2. Create the ideal study zone

One of the great things about studying online is that students get to learn in a space that’s all their own. Creating the ideal study area ahead of time can also make your child feel a lot more comfortable during the first few days of their new virtual classes.

If you’re not sure where to start, make sure you choose a distraction-free corner of your home for your child’s school desk. For older students, that might be a bedroom or office; for younger learners, perhaps choose a quiet nook in a family room where you can check in on them throughout the day.

Organisation will be key, so make sure all your child’s equipment is within reach during school hours. Alongside devices, don’t forget about items like pens, paper, and books. Depending on the layout of your space, you may make use of drawers, shelves, or desktop storage boxes.

Finally, it’s time to unleash a little creativity. Letting your child have some reign over their personal space can help boost the comfort factor and keep your child feeling confident during the transition period. Whether they want family photos on their desk or superhero posters on the wall, staying focused and motivated is easiest when your child is happy with their space.

3. Jump into making friends

Socialisation is as important at online school as it is at traditional schools. While your child may feel nervous about meeting new people, making friends early on will help them feel a lot more comfortable.

These days, top online schools offer a variety of ways for classmates to interact with each other. Check if your child’s new school offers any virtual clubs or hosts any community activities. These are great places for new learners to find friends who share their interests.

4. Stay involved locally

It may sound counterintuitive, but what your child does outside of school can be a big help in making the online school transition smooth. Staying involved with the activities they usually do in-person will create a feeling of consistency in a time of change.

For example, if your child was part of the football team at their old school, get in touch with some of the local youth football clubs in your area to see if your child can join the squad. Spending time with friends and family is another great way to ease the transition, and since online schools typically have less intense timetables, you should have plenty of time to organise playdates.

5. Ask for help when you need it

No matter how well you and your child prepare, you’re bound to have some questions over the course of the first weeks. So, remind your child (and yourself!) that there’s nothing wrong with asking for help when you need it.

Your child’s new school should have a directory of contact details for different types of staff who can support you. You may go to your child’s teachers over academic questions but contact a technical support team if you’re having trouble with the online resources.

Needing guidance should be expected and encouraged as your child navigates this new step in their educational journey, and asking questions is a great way to get more comfortable with the school’s staff community too.

Making the move to King’s InterHigh

If virtual learning sounds like the right choice for your child but you’re still weighing up your options, take a look at leading online school King’s InterHigh. With a choice of timetable options for families across the globe and a reputation for world-class education, King’s InterHigh is a great choice for students looking to grow, thrive, and succeed in a flexible and personalised learning environment.

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King's InterHigh

King's InterHigh

King’s InterHigh is an independent British international online school. Offering Primary, Secondary and Sixth Form education, we cater to students from age 7 – 18 who are looking for a high-quality British education, working towards International GCSEs and A Levels, delivered in a way that revolves around their needs and interests. All with the backing of Inspired, the world’s leading education group.

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