What to do if you fail your A levels

Failing your A levels can feel like a major setback, but it is important to remember that there are several paths you can take to move forward. It is time to reframe the concept of retaking. Instead of ‘failing’ A levels, let’s see retaking as a new path to success. Here we will discuss a comprehensive guide to navigating this challenging time will help you make an informed decision about your future.

So, what happens if you are not happy on A level results day and what are the possible pathways of retaking A levels?

Preparing for a level results day

If you’re considering retaking A levels, you are not alone. Many students find themselves in a position where they want to improve their grades for various reasons, whether it’s to meet university entry requirements, pursue a different career path, or simply achieve their full academic potential. Fortunately, there are several options available for retaking A level exams, each with its own benefits and considerations.

Here, we will be discussing where it might be possible to retake your A level examinations.

Why should you retake?

Firstly, it is important to decide why you want to retake your A level examinations and deduce whether or not it is the right decision for you. Some factors you may want to consider are:

  1. Your chosen university will not accept me with my current grades;
  2. You think you can do better;
  3. You have decided to change direction;
  4. You really need another year to prepare for university.

For a deep dive on these factors, we conducted a webinar on how to make the most of your results day!

School or college A level retakes

One option is to retake your A-levels at your current school or college. This can be a convenient choice if you’re already familiar with the environment and teachers. Your school may offer additional support and resources to help you succeed in your retakes, such as extra classes, study materials, and working with teachers who already know you well.

Private tuition

Another option is to seek private tuition from qualified tutors who specialise in A level subjects. Private tuition offers personalised attention and tailored support to address your specific learning needs. Tutors can provide targeted guidance, exam preparation strategies, and additional practice to help you improve your performance in your A level exams.

Online Learning Platforms

There are a plethora of online learning platforms where you can access a range of resources and courses designed to support A level students. These platforms offer practice tests and revision materials. If you’re motivated and disciplined, this self study online can be a good option for a flexible approach.

Retake your a levels at greene’s college oxford

At Greene’s, we understand that every student’s journey is unique.

That is why we offer personalised, flexible tuition tailored to your specific needs, regardless of where you are in the world. Whether you’re looking to retake A levels to improve your grades, enhance your university prospects, or pursue a different career path, Greene’s is here to support you every step of the way.

Our team of experienced tutors are specialists in examination preparation, providing comprehensive guidance and support to help you excel in your A level exams. We also offer expert university advice and application support to help you navigate the complex process of applying to higher education institutions.

Why is greene’s different?

At Greene’s we have adopted the Tutorial Method of Learning. Much like the undergraduates at the University of Oxford and University of Cambridge, learning happens in one to one or small group environments. These are delivered online or in person, with a subject-matter expert tutor. We find that these individualised learning environments yields the greatest success in terms of student independence and academic performance. And we have the results to prove it.

At Greene’s, we rely on two pillars to optimally support our students and their learning: the tutorial method applied to sixth form subjects and the guidance of a Personal Tutor who provides academic support and serves as an invaluable mentor. The Personal Tutor coaches, advises and helps to ensure students are progressing well towards their individual goals.

Choose Greene’s for your A level retakes and unlock your full potential with personalised, expert tuition and support. You can see all the possibilities we offer on our website.

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Greene’s College Oxford

Greene’s College Oxford

Greene’s offers a full-time, university-style sixth form education, both in Oxford, England and in Estoril, Portugal – with academic oversight resting with the Oxford college. In Portugal, Greene’s is the first tutorial college and the foremost sixth form college in the Lisbon area. At Greene’s, students are taught and supervised by our outstanding educators and academics, all trained to deliver the very best education, and to guide students towards the highest grades – while maintaining the greatest regard for student welfare and wellbeing.

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