What to consider when transferring to another college

Considering a transfer to another sixth form college can be a pivotal decision in your academic journey, offering new opportunities for growth and achievement. Whether driven by a desire for a fresh start, academic enhancement, or a change in personal circumstances, there are important factors to weigh before making the leap. From evaluating academic offerings and support systems to considering extracurricular activities and future aspirations, each element plays a crucial role in finding the right fit. At Greene’s, we understand the complexity of this decision and are committed to helping you navigate it effectively, ensuring your educational path aligns seamlessly with your ambitions and needs.

Here are some things to consider when transferring to another sixth form college!

Why Transfer to another college?

So you are thinking of transferring to a different college for your A level examinations. Here we will discuss all the things you should consider prior to transferring.

It is firstly important to note that students may not always considering changing schools because they had a bad experience. Sometimes students are just looking for a chance or an opportunity to reinvent themselves and try something different. It could be that you realise you flourish best in a more competitive environment. Or that you need an environment that is more academically rigorous. Perhaps you have your eye on an Ivy League university, and your current school does not specialise in U.S. applications.

You may decide to completely change your career path and take on different A level subjects to accommodate this, only to discover that your school cannot offer certain classes because they do not fit into the schools timetabling blocks. You may feel that boarding is no longer working for you, and you would do better as a day student, where you are more in control of your time.

Whatever it may be, Greene’s is here to help.

Reasons to consider transferring

  1. There has been a change in your family circumstances;
  2. You are seeking better academic opportunities;
  3. You have concerns about safety or bullying at your current school;
  4. You have cultural considerations;
  5. Special Education Needs Support;

Think about what you need

It is absolutely integral that you think about what is best for you, and put yourself first in your educational journey. Understanding what is best for you is so important in this process.

The options you want to think about, the destination or organisation you want to be at, it needs to be able to offer what you need. Some things you may want to consider in a new institution are:

  1. Wide Range of academic subjects;
  2. Extended Project Qualifications;
  3. Individual support from personal Sixth Form tutors inside and outside the classroom;
  4. Extra-curriculum focusing on sport, performing arts, wellbeing, environmentalism and sustainability;
  5. Higher Education advice to ensure best destinations after Sixth Form;
  6. Excellent social and study facilities

How To Decide

Whatever your reasons for wanting to transfer may be, it is entirely up to you. There is no right or wrong answer, just the decision that is best for you. It is also a wise idea to visit your prospective institutions to help you make your decision.

The Greene’s Solution

What are some examples of alternatives? You may have decided that you require even more flexibility. This is where a tutorial college could help. At Greene’s, you can enroll at any point throughout the academic year and you do not have to necessarily start in September, if you feel the need to transfer school.

You could also take a hybrid approach, a combination of online and face to face tuition. Here, our Principal, Carmen Dare, discusses two examples of students who came to Greene’s in search of more flexibility and found the best solution for them!

One student was seeking to take an A level her home institution did not currently offer, and another was seeking to spend a portion of her time in France to improve her language skills. Hear about their stories in this clip.

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Greene’s College Oxford

Greene’s College Oxford

Greene’s offers a full-time, university-style sixth form education, both in Oxford, England and in Estoril, Portugal – with academic oversight resting with the Oxford college. In Portugal, Greene’s is the first tutorial college and the foremost sixth form college in the Lisbon area. At Greene’s, students are taught and supervised by our outstanding educators and academics, all trained to deliver the very best education, and to guide students towards the highest grades – while maintaining the greatest regard for student welfare and wellbeing.

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