New Ambitions of SSIS Service Groups

A new school year is underway at SSIS and with the start of our ECA program comes the annual SSIS Service Expo. This event gives our school service groups, in which there are now 20 in total an opportunity to display to the student body and community what their purpose and mission are and look to actively recruit new students to their groups who are interested.

We have so many great service groups, offering a wide range of support for different organizations centered around service to people, animals and the environment.

Here are some of the highlights from last year

  • Our Wishing Well group put together gift bags for the children at Suzhou Childrens hospital and went on many visits to interact with the children.
  • First Love went on their first service trip to Boracay, to help with construction of a new library and to teach various subject areas to the students at the two schools they support. They also raised close to 30,000rmb, which will be donated to the school to help supply computers.
  • BoAi school group donated 30,000 rmb to help students complete autism diagnosis assessments
  • Heart to Heart donated an incredible 60,000rmb to fund heart surgeries for another three young children at the hospital in Shanghai
  • Paws 4 Cause– went on several SAPA animal shelter visits to help improve the facilities and the hygiene of the animals
  • New service groups at Middle school were formed

These are just some of the amazing things SSIS students have helped support over the last year.

WSPost-SSIS-New Ambitions of SSIS Service Groups-Gallery WSPost-SSIS-New Ambitions of SSIS Service Groups-Gallery New Ambitions of SSIS Service Groups

Looking ahead, the service groups at SSIS have ambitious plans. For instance, the Dawn group is set to revive the popular ‘Battle of Bands’ event and launch a new program to spread the joy of music. One of the newly formed group Stepping Stones is dedicated to support disadvantaged children in China with quality education through English tutoring, using their knowledge and resources to give back to the local community. The Sama Fund group continues its support for the education of refugees in Jordan, demonstrating a commitment to global citizenship.

“I’m really proud of how we built a community with old people and young people and how we connected these lives together.“ shared the Helping Hands group.

We are immensely proud of our students. Witnessing their dedication and passion in creating a positive impact in the world around them is truly inspiring.

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Suzhou Singapore International School

Suzhou Singapore International School

Founded in 1996, Suzhou Singapore International School (SSIS) is a fully authorized IB World School as well as the first and largest international school in Suzhou, China.

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