Popular principal Carmen Dare returns to Greene’s Tutorial College after her experience of a year in a senior teaching position in Switzerland.
Greene’s Tutorial College in Oxford welcomes back its popular principal, Carmen Dare (née Prozzillo), who has returned to Greene’s after completing a year as head of studies at the Institut Auf Dem Rosenberg, St Gallen, Switzerland. Carmen’s return marks another outstanding year for Greene’s students, whose examination results have thrilled everyone, with 80% achieving A or A* grades.
I’m delighted to be rejoining the academic team as college principal. It’s wonderful to see our students’ confidence and self-belief grow during their time here.
Carmen Dare
Carmen, who was responsible for the operation and development of the academic departments in Switzerland, compares her experiences of the Swiss and English colleges.

“The Swiss school offered a very international curriculum by comparison. I am always interested in education which avoids a ‘one size fits all’ model, so I was drawn to the vast range of academic options. I have a huge enthusiasm for helping students achieve success. However, Greene’s distinct approach, with its blend of individual tuition or very small groups, instant feedback and personal academic mentoring sessions, is something I genuinely believe brings the best out of everyone. It is this that has brought me back to Greene’s.
“Although Switzerland was a wonderful experience, Greene’s is impossible to leave behind, as so many of our tutors, parents and students will attest to. It’s a small, friendly college where everyone is given careful attention. Our student-centred approach is greatly praised by our regulating body, the Independent Schools Inspectorate, and is reflected in the excellence of the inspection reports, and ISI’s comments on the extraordinarily high quality of our tutors and their teaching.
“We have welcomed students for over 50 years, for full one- and two-year A-levels and GCSEs, gap year retakes, university applications, and supplementary support pro- grammes. Our students’ rapid progress is a testament to the learning partnership students develop.
“With the depth of experience Greene’s longevity brings, we continue to grow and innovate. Our Leadership Programme combines seminars, workshops and group projects, enabling students to hear outstanding speakers share their personal and professional journeys. The quality of some of Greene’s programmes is so well-regarded that we are asked to deliver them to schools nationally and internationally.
“We help our students lay the foundations for success through personal development and self-awareness, developing lifelong skills as well as academic knowledge. The tutorial method of learning is key to this success. While we work with every student to achieve the educational goal of their choice, it is even more valuable to understand how success can be achieved by taking skills forward into any career.
“I hope I have conveyed my passion and belief in a unique education. It is what motivates me to ensure Greene’s students have another exceptional year.”
I’m delighted to be rejoining the academic team as college principal. It’s wonderful to see our students’ confidence and self-belief grow during their time here
Carmen Dare