How to get British school Qualifications studying online from your home?

All students take the same examinations when they finish year 11 ( at around the age of 16), they take GCSE exams. They might have different subjects but it’s the same level of qualification.

When they finish their year 13 that’s A Level examinations (at around 18 years of age), regardless of what school you went to, whether it’s a national school, an international school or an online school in the UK, the way that system works is that students will apply to universities with grades that have been predicted by their school whether that’s a national school or an International online school. Then the universities will give out offers based on students achieving a certain set of grades. Depending on the university and the course, perhaps, those set of grades will be extremely ambitious or perhaps they’ll be a little bit more achievable.

Once you’ve then gone and taken your examinations in may-june of Year 13 and you’ve got your results in August that year; you also know whether you’ve got a place at the universities that have given you offers based on your conditional grades.

Students who need to take a GCSE exam or an A level exam can’t do this online currently but there are a few trials at the moment so it might be an option for some in th efuture. In general you can study online with us for years 10-11 GCSE and years 12-13, A levels and you then you will need to go to an exam centre ti sti exams. At Highgrvoe Online Achool we help our parents find an exam centre that’s convenient for them. Most countries have exam centres where you can take GCSE or A level. Those are the same examinations that will be taken by students who have been to an International School, day, boarding or online like in our case.

Highgrove online school will support our students finding an exam centre, entering for the examinations, of course prepare them really well for those examinations and then we’re there to support our students on results day when the results come out and they find out whether or not they’ve got to the University of their choice and what they might need as a next step.
Students taught by our team have gone to many top universities in the word, including Impaerial, Cambridge, St Andrews and other in the UK and abroad.

Our university preparation is outstanding and together with excellent teaching, international community and unique elective courses, Highgrove Onlise School will set you off for success.

Watch our video from Heather Rhodes, the principal of Highgrove Online School, where she will look at the certificates that you get from studying at online school or through the British educational system.

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Highgrove Online School

Highgrove Online School

Highgrove Online School is a haven for ambitious pupils who want the very best all-round British education wherever they might be in the world. We offer a warm school community, an academic programme that supports pupils to achieve to the very best of their ability at GCSE and A level, and an extra-curricular programme that is second to none.

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