Five Fun Reasons Why Online Schooling is Best

You’ll never need to walk to school in the cold, rain or heat again

Whilst that’s a big benefit, that walk is often wasted time which you could have spent preparing for lessons, doing some mind gym or even some physical exercise that’ll prepare you for a day online.

The ‘Tuck Shop’ is just down the hall and it’s free!

So, no more queuing at the vending machine for an overpriced stale roll. Mums and dads will have stocked the fridge and cupboards with fresh, healthy and delicious snacks that you actually chose yourself and without needing the right change!

No scratchy, ‘one-size-fits-all’ school uniform

Whilst you need to be dressed appropriately for the ‘cameras on’ moments, you can spend all your allowance on that cool top because that’s all we’ll see online. Zero chance of being mocked for not having the latest designer gear either – just be careful which football shirt you wear – Division 7 South, Bogley Town FC shirts may raise an eyebrow or two!

Huge savings on throat sweets

No need now to shout to get yourself heard above the cacophonous maelstrom in your class of 40+ students. Simply raise that hand icon and the teacher will unmute you and allow you to fully express your opinion on the relevance of Nicomachean ethics in today’s society, unmuting all finally so you can hear the round of applause once you finish.

No chance of turning turtle now

With the average school bag of textbooks weighing in at around 30kg, it won’t be you that’s giggled at as you try to right yourself after falling over backwards – all textbooks are provided in online versions and, if you really want the paper copy, it stays on your desk.

But seriously folks, online education has so many advantages over ‘In school’ education and not just the fun ones. You’ve got a much higher chance of academic success and consequently a much more fulfilling life.

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Elea High - Online Education

Elea High - Online Education

Elea High Online School is a small, supportive, family-oriented Secondary and Sixth Form online school where every student is valued for the unique qualities they bring to an inclusive, caring, global school community.

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