Educating Elite Athletes at Wendover Online School

Sarah Bacon of Wendover Online School explains how personalised online learning unlocks success for elite young athletes

Should young people’s lives revolve entirely around their education? What if we could free them up to follow their passions – and work school around this, so that they get the best of both worlds?

Freedom from physical classrooms can be a game changer for elite young athletes. With busy training schedules, competitions and travel, young sportsmen and women find it hard to keep on top of their academic studies, which can suffer as a result. By rethinking the way we deliver education, we can help elite athletes and their families build a more sustainable lifestyle that breeds success in both education and sport.

Young people today are digital natives, confident using technology and keen to explore beyond the confines of large group lessons. Teachers have a wealth of online resources with which to guide and inspire, plus the ability to reach students anywhere, at any time, through the magic of modern communications. Online schools established before the pandemic had a head start on working out the best way to tailor online education to individual students, and schools like Wendover are now leading the way in personalised education programmes for all ages.

For young athletes, the move to online learning can be transformational. Free to train with coaches and their teams when needed, they can then be available for school at times when they are in the right frame of mind to learn. In either one-to-one or small group classes, lessons can be scheduled to fit the students’ time zone wherever in the world they may be. Our students come online from training centres, their homes or even whilst travelling: they and their families are delighted to find a school that works around their lives, and are excited to reap the benefits.

Online learning gives children the flexibility to choose what and how they study. A full-time programme can be fitted into mornings, holidays and weekends. Part time study might be helpful for key exams and scholarships, or to boost performance. For elite athletes, this range of options can help them stay on track for crucial exams whilst simultaneously finding sporting success.

We know that online education was unsuccessful for many during the pandemic, largely because schools were unprepared. But we shouldn’t let this cloud our view of the benefits of online learning delivered by expert subject teachers skilled in nurturing and inspiring students. With small class sizes, teachers get to know their pupils well and can quickly spot any difficulties. Lessons can be paced to suit the students, and we find that this quickly builds the confidence that will help them in every aspect of their lives.

On top of all this, we know that elite athletes face added pressures on their time, mind and body. Away from the friction and practical challenges of bricks and mortar schools, online students quickly learn to manage their time, set goals and build resilience within a supportive environment. With the right approach, online schools like ours can build lifelong skills that improve emotional wellbeing – with happiness and better performance both on and off the pitch.

Sarah Bacon

Founder, Wendover Online School

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Wendover Online School

Wendover Online School

We are a successful online school community providing a British education for students aged from 8 to 18. We offer a flexible curriculum tailored to the needs of your child, including small class sizes, individual tutorials, personalised timetables and engaging lessons delivered by experienced specialists. Our approach to learning builds confidence and understanding both within and outside the curriculum: we offer clubs, trips and meetups, and invite guest speakers, providing opportunities for enrichment and new experiences for all age groups.

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