As exam season approaches, students all over the world are gearing up to revise and prepare for their upcoming exams. But with so much to do and so little time, it can be challenging to figure out where to start. Fortunately, Luli Podesta and Charlie Leung, both in year 8, have shared their tips on revising for exams from a recent workshop they attended. In this article, we’ll explore their top five revision tips that can help you prepare for your exams and achieve success. So, whether you’re a visual or verbal learner, studying alone or in a group, there’s something in this article for everyone. Let’s dive in!
Revision Tip #1: Determine your Learning Style
During the workshop, Lance discussed the importance of identifying whether you are a verbal or visual learner. They were given a test to help them understand which side they fall under. If you are unsure about your learning style, there are several similar tests available online which can assist you in figuring out what suits you best.
Revision Tip #2: Utilize Materials that Work for You
Depending on your learning style, different materials might be more effective for you. Verbal learners might find it useful to create lists, read and write their notes. Visual learners, on the other hand, can benefit from using pictures, diagrams and colors. It is recommended to make use of the materials that work best for you and develop a habit of using them when studying and revising for exams.
Revision Tip #3 – Find the best study environment for yourself:
Everyone has different preferences when it comes to studying. Some prefer to work alone in a quiet place, while others like to study in a group. It is crucial to find out what works best for you and to recreate that environment every time you study.
Revision Tip #4 – Understand what helps you focus:
It is also important to figure out what helps you concentrate. Some people listen to music while working, while others need complete silence. Whatever it may be, it’s essential to understand yourself and your needs.
Revision Tip #5 – Plan and organize:
Organization and time management are vital for successful revision. Start by creating a timetable for the school year, noting down important dates like assignments, revision, and exam dates. When you receive your exam timetable, make a checklist of everything you need to prepare for each exam. Based on the order of your exams and the time required for each one, create a revision timetable. This will help you stay calm and prepared as exams approach.