The Grange Institution and International Preschool

The Grange Institution and International Preschool
- from 3
- to 12 years old
22 different nationalities
- from 17000
- to 20710
68 students
Founded in 2018
Founding Member of The Alliances for Sustainable Schools (TASS), HoneyKids Gold Winner in Best Environmental Initiative 2021 & 2022, HoneyKids Silver award for Entrepreneurship in Education 2021
The Grange adopts an innovative and progressive approach to a child’s holistic learning process. The Grange is the first school in Singapore to deliver both the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) and Cambridge International Primary Curriculum, the school offers a balanced blend of both rigorous structured subject learning and inquiry-based thematic learning.
The Grange aims to nurture their students to achieve the sustainability-focused Cre8tors-in-Action© learning outcomes . Through ‘Cre8tors-in-Action© ’, students are challenged and exposed to situations which require them to think creatively, to experiment, to be innovative, and to find solutions. They learn to develop resilience and adaptability to thrive in the changing world, ready for the future.
The Grange is one of the very few school who has all specialist subjects included within the school fees and timetable. This is our philosophy of ensuring that our learners to experience a truly holistic education, allowing them to see the big picture of their learning, make connections across different subjects, and understand topics and issues in the world from multiple perspectives
Extra curricular
The range of extra curricular activities varies every semester. Contact the school to find out the updated list.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to The Grange Institution and International Preschool?
- from 17000
- to 20710
Things to know
Nursery 2 to Grade 5.
How many students are in The Grange Institution and International Preschool?
68 students
- In total, The Grange Institution and International Preschool enrolls
- 68 students from
- 22 different nationalities.
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