Canadian Curriculum

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Canada is among the top choices among parents for boarding school, and it’s no wonder why. The Canadian system provides a great education and prepares students for future success. Though Canada does not have a national curriculum like Britain, the regional Ministries of Education, who regulate the education system in each territory, have come together to form the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC), in order to create a set of best practices and standards across and between regions, making the Canadian system somewhat more well-defined than the curriculum of its southern neighbor.

What Makes the Canadian Curriculum Stand Out?
Canadian curriculum, and the schools that teach it, offer a unique mix that often brings together some of the best parts of its sister curriculums. The Canadian education system is structured in a similar manner to that of the United States, with students progressing from Kindergarten through to high school and eventually university or community college, making it easy to understand for those more familiar with that system, including American universities. Students studying in Canada also have the benefit of being immersed in both English and French languages, and multiple languages are offered at many schools.

In addition to this, the Canadian education system excels at preparing students for success at university. In fact, according to the National Center on Education and the Economy, based in Washington, DC., the percentage of the population with post-secondary education (60.6%) is nearly 50% higher than the average OECD country(43.1%).

Contact us today for a free consultation with one of our education advisors to get started and learn about the available schools featuring the Canadian Curriculum.

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