Is e-learning the best option for your child?

E-learning has been developing a lot lately for many reasons. But what is important is to discover whether this type of schooling fits your child’s needs or not.


E-learning is learning conveyed through digital means. It can be provided on any electronic device that has an internet connection.

E-learning lowers the environmental impact. Reducing our carbon footprint is a part of our responsibility as parents. It is a great option for paper-based learning and improving the environment.

E-learning vs online learning

We have all heard about e-learning and maybe confuse it with online learning. However, there are some differences you should take into account when selecting one or another or a hybrid between the two of them.

Before digging more into whether e-learning fits your child or not, you should know the differences between the two.

The main difference is that e-learning is done through an online portal they are given access to and they enter any time of the day and week. Meanwhile, online learning is an online portal they access at certain times of the day when the live lessons are held.

E-learning helps children develop more as they have to go through the studying books by themselves, while in online learning they are guided by a teacher.

In the case of e-learning if you have any questions you put them in an email and the tutor answers back, while in the case of online learning you can put them live and get the explanations on the spot.

Benefits of e-learning

  • Develops students capacity to focus and self – learn.
  • Possibility to access courses any time of the day.
  • Freedom to learn at your own pace.
  • Prepares students for work life.
  • Teaches the student to stay more organized.

Disadvantages of e-learning

  • There is no interactiveness that can help the student stay engaged.
  • The attention span of a student can be low and this will not help with studying.
  • No one to guide them through the courses.
  • Any questions they have are answered through a message or mail.
 698-img1-Is-e-learning-the-best-option-for-your-child Is e-learning the best option for your child?

Does benefits outweigh the disadvantages?

As a parent it is important to know your child and see if e-learning is the answer for his needs. A discussion with a specialist about the advantages and disadvantages is sure to clear both your child’s questions as well as yours and it will help you take the proper decision. A good preparatory needs to be done in advance for the parents as well, as they need to be able to support their children in case they ask for help to focus or to understand a lesson.

The Hybrid option for learning – e-learning, online and physical

Is Hybrid learning an option? When you think of it, it can be a great opportunity to get accustomed with the e – learning an online learning and see if any is an option or you stick to the Hybrid education learning option. Spark School is one of these options that offers a hybrid education learning.

A combination between the three – e-learning, online and physical is a mix of all your child needs – developing skills of self-learning, interactiveness and possibility to have the answers answered and explained in real time and as well physical learning, which enables them to participate in labs, meetings and expeditions at nearest location.

This is a great option for students that need to engage with all their senses.

 698-img2-Is-e-learning-the-best-option-for-your-child Is e-learning the best option for your child?


Education should not be something you force your child into.

E-learning can help your child choose when to access the courses and make his own program. However, if your child is not into staying at a screen and learning by himself and prefers interacting with a tutor live or face – to face, just listen to his needs.

Not all children are the same and what works for one, may not work for another.

While there are quite a few important advantages of e-learning, make sure you pay attention to the disadvantages as well. If for your child the disadvantages mean more, then let him decide and do not force it.

It is important to focus mainly on your child’s wellbeing and do not overstress about the learning options. What works for your child, is the right option to take into account.

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Spark Generation

Spark Generation

Spark School is a hybrid international High School, launched by Transylvania College, offering the Cambridge International Curriculum. We engage students everywhere in the world to discover and nurture their passions, access the knowledge, develop the skills and attitudes to be accomplished, have healthy relationships, and be innovative, global citizens.

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