Top 10 tips on how to make hybrid education work for your child

 763-Feat-img-Top-10-tips-on-how-to-make-hybrid-education-work-for-your-child Top 10 tips on how to make hybrid education work for your child

Hybrid education is on top of our minds, and it is essential to make it a successful experience for your child. The extended hybrid learning system made parents, students and teachers alike learn to cope with it. 

The hybrid learning system is likely to stay with us more than just during the pandemic, so make sure you do the right things to help your child learn just as good or even better from the online classes is what each parent desire.

While this takes time, once you get the hang of it, you will feel more relaxed and confident that your child can have a successful hybrid learning experience.  Hybrid learning is not such chaos that some may think of it as, and it is an innovative learning experience that, in the long term, will prove to be very efficient for your child. Despite that it needs some getting used to initially, the results will not delay showing up. 

Parents can help children navigate through the hybrid teaching system by showing support and continuity. 

Reduce distractions

At home, students have at their availability all the other distractions they do not have in school – smart devices, toys, the family pet and whatever you may think of. So, making sure you set up a quiet, clutter-free workspace for your child is a great way to limit these distractions. 

You do not need to have a big space; just a table or a desk with free space will work well. Having this designated space will help the student understand that that is where the learning happens.  Dr Patrick Latucca believes that “When it comes to setting a student up for success, in my opinion, students need structure when they are at home.” 

Brain breaks

While at school, there are 10 minutes or so breaks; make sure you do this at home as well. Take time to give your child brain breaks to recharge his batteries and focus on the next class. Adding some exercise time in breaks can help with your child focus. Mingle between having the computer on the table or desk and having it on a raised surface for bigger children. You can try it as standing may help them with their learning process better. 


Structure, routines, whatever you may call it, are good. Making a schedule for your child helps him know what to expect for the day. At-home learning needs a program to help every child stay focused. Otherwise, he will be in awe as he does not know what to expect from the school day schedule. 

Help your child stay connected with peers

The need for a connection with peers outside the classes is critical. There are many other social ways to connect, and this will help students stay more academically engaged. Activities such as virtual school clubs, trivia, middle school night movies etc., will help engage students with the school. Be open-minded about these extra–curriculum activities that are sure to add a plus to the hybrid learning experience of your child. 

Make sure you have a good internet connection

Video quality and a good internet connection are essential for online classes. Improve and optimize them through setting up the learning space near the Wi-Fi router, connecting to the router using an Ethernet cable and making sure you check the internet connection from time to time. 

Set goals

In the traditional schooling system, this may not seem important as they are regularly graded. You can use this idea to set some weekly goals, monthly goals and yearly goals for your child school performance. This will help track your child’s growth and make him accountable for his learning journey. 

Provide feedback

You may not be the teacher, but as long as you are the one next to them when they finish a task, consider praising them or giving them feedback. Having a reward system from time to time may prove helpful to increase motivation and engagement. You can choose to provide them with an extra 10 minutes break, a checkmark or a sticker on an excellent work assignment, a sweet treat or whatever you agree with as a parent.

Show flexibility

For the more challenging classes, you can take time to work with your child on that assignment. The time of the day when they are most engaged is the best time to solve challenging tasks. Make sure you are attentive to when this is, and this will mean a lot to your child. 

Understand your child’s needs for social interactions

As school is also a social place where children make friends and communicate, the hybrid learning system may prove hard for them from this point of view. This is why it is up to parents to show their children how to stay connected with their friends. You can introduce a daily video chat with their colleagues, friends, and even with their peers.

Have open communication with your child’s teachers

Be a proactive parent and open the dialogue with your child’s teachers. It will help both them and you in making the teaching experience accessible to the child. 


Parental participation has a significant impact on children’s academic achievement. And hybrid or traditional, school children benefit from discussions on their learning with their parents. Whatever your support program as far as hybrid teaching concerns your child, the simple talk to your child about their school to–do’s will help a lot. 

For sure, hybrid learning is not the cause of the need for the parent’s involvement. This need existed before, and theoretically, parents were expected to get involved and listen to their children after classes and discuss the lessons they learned at school.