School Holidays in Netherlands in 2019

 Belgium landscape collection School Holidays in Netherlands in 2019 | World Schools

If you or a family member are attending one of the best international schools in the Netherlands, it’s important to know about the school holidays. Here’s a list of the main school holidays in the Netherlands:

– Christmas holidays 2018: A two-week holiday which usually takes place during the last two weeks of December. All regions have the holiday from 22-12-2018 to 6-1-2019.

– Spring break 2019: A one-week holiday in February for the south during Carnaval. The North region has the holiday from 16-02-2019 to 24-02-2019, while the middle and south regions have it from 23-02-2019 to 3-3-2019.

– May holiday 2019: A one or two-week holiday for high schools and elementary schools. This may differ from school to school. All regions have the holiday from 27-04-2019 to 5-5-2019.

– Summer holiday 2019: Usually starting in mid-July and ending in late August, the summer holiday lasts for six weeks for all schools. South region, primary and secondary education have the holiday from 6-7-2019 to 18-08-2019. South middle, primary and secondary education have the holiday from 20-07-2019 to 1-9-2019. The South-north, primary and secondary education have the holiday from 13-07-2019 to 25-08-2019.

– Autumn break 2019: A one-week holiday in mid-October for Dutch elementary and high schools. The North and Center regions have the holiday from 19-10-2019 to 27-10-2019, while the South region has it from 12-10-2019 to 20-10-2019.

– Christmas holiday 2019: All regions have the holiday from 21-12-2019 to 5-1-2020.

Additionally, here’s a table of the public holidays in the Netherlands in 2019:

– 1 Jan: New Year’s Day
– 19 Apr: Good Friday
– 21 Apr: Easter Day
– 22 Apr: Easter Monday
– 27 Apr: King’s Birthday
– 4 May: Remembrance Day
– 5 May: Liberation Day
– 30 May: Ascension Day
– 9 Jun: Whit Sunday
– 10 Jun: Whit Monday
– 5 Dec: St Nicholas’ Eve/Sinterklaas
– 6 Dec: St Nicholas’ Day
– 22 Dec: December Solstice
– 24 Dec: Christmas Eve
– 25 Dec: Christmas Day
– 26 Dec: Second Day of Christmas
– 31 Dec: New Year’s Eve