Are student wellbeing and academic achievements linked?

Well-being is the main ingredient for a balanced life. But does this also include academic life?

The focus on wellbeing in the education department is not new, as schools have been helping in shaping children’s social and emotional development for over a decade now.  (Craig, 2009; Ecclestone, 2012b)

Successful and ft for the future young people do not mean only good grades; it means being a well-rounded individual with the necessary skills to face the world. 

However, what is different now from then, is the pandemic. And in this case, wellbeing became a necessity rather than a choice. 

What does wellbeing mean?

More than just positive moods and emotions, it is compiled of various ingredients such as – fostering good relationships with others, being an active person, learning new skills, showing empathy, giving, mindfulness and having a conscience. All of the above means a feeling of fulfilment in your life.

Thus, children’s well-being should consider all that includes a life well lived (Taylor, 2012), the socio-cultural influences, and societal values (Inglehart, 1997).

Isn’t this something students usually have?

Many may wonder why is this such a big deal for students as they usually are worry-free apart from the academic life where they have to learn and give their best. Well, actually, young people are more prone to being stressed and feeling misunderstood if they are not shown the right path or if they are not taught to live a well-being life. This is because they are thrown into a complex world and expected to learn and understand so many things in a relatively short period, compared to adulthood life. 

So paying attention to your child/children as parents and your students as a teacher is necessary to seize if there is any need for a more significant focus on wellbeing. 

Having to cope with stress, anxiety, finding oneself, learning, emotions, understanding the world as it is, all add up to difficulty in focusing at school. This is where student wellbeing comes in, and this is why it isessentialt. 

According to the C.S. Mott Poll, since the start of the pandemic, parents have reported negative changes from their teens, such as an increase in their aggressive behaviour as well as a withdrawal from family. 

What does academic achievement mean?

But what does being happy include? Being happy contributes to doing well in school. It enlarges their relationships with peers, their sense of belonging and their self-esteem. All of these contribute to being happy that lead to academic achievements. 

How can schools and teachers help?

From an academic point of view, children can develop easier as teachers are trained in this regard; however, the development of the WHOLE CHILD is really for a healthy and happy child. Schools play an essential role in promoting student wellbeing. 

Focusing on well-being for students in school is nothing more than showing and giving support to the students’ needs. 

Schools for children are like jobs for adults – where they spend most of their day. Thus, making sure that the school cares for students’ “mental health” and ” emotional well-being”, is a great way to have happy students that can focus on learning and achievements. 

“We can all agree that meaningful schoolwork promotes students’ learning of academic content. But why stop there? I believe that meaningful work can also teach students to love challenges, to enjoy effort, to be resilient, and to value their own improvement. In other words, we can design and present learning tasks in a way that helps students develop a growth mindset, which leads to not just short-term achievement but also a long-term success,” says Dr. Carol Dweck, a renowned American psychologist known for her work on mindset. 

  1. The WHOLE child approach is one-way schools can promote well-being. 
  2. Teaching social and emotional skills such as resilience, communication, collaboration, empathy
  3. Promote greater self-awareness 
  4. Model strong, healthy and trusting relationships
  5. Focus on building a connected, cohesive and culturally safe school culture
  6. Give students a choice to actively participate in their learning
  7. Show openness to communicate with parents on their child/ children 
  8. Build positive relationships with community groups to share an understanding of student safety and wellbeing.

Effects of wellbeing on students achievements

Students who have a balanced life and feel happy 

  • Embrace challenges
  • Learn from mistakes and are not afraid to fail and try again
  • Can focus better
  • Build and maintain relationships
  • Are confident about who they are
  • Are good team players


After a long time, when students faced the insecurity of going to school, doing homeschooling and catching up with friends, their sense of wellbeing might have suffered. Thus, making sure that an extra effort to enhance their well-being is made as a school and as a parent is essential. 

A low level of well being can have a significant impact on their life, causing behavioural problems that range from school achievement to everyday social interactions. 

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Spark Generation

Spark Generation

Spark School is a hybrid international High School, launched by Transylvania College, offering the Cambridge International Curriculum. We engage students everywhere in the world to discover and nurture their passions, access the knowledge, develop the skills and attitudes to be accomplished, have healthy relationships, and be innovative, global citizens.

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