The 2023 new features

New advanced filters: show your one of a kind

Today we’re introducing new filters
and improving personalization.


Great schools offering specific facilities such as swimming pool and other extraordinary facilities.

Special needs

For schools offering specific care for special needs such as ADHD, dyslexia and more.


Schools wishing to promote their extraordinary academic offer to parents worldwide.


Great schools offering specific facilities such as swimming pool and other extraordinary facilities.


Great schools offering specific facilities such as swimming pool and other extraordinary facilities.


Great schools offering specific facilities such as swimming pool and other extraordinary facilities.

Improved personalization
We’re making the filters we show you even more relevant—for instance, if you have specific offer that you wish to highlight we can add new filters to match your needs.
Added detail
Parents will also find more details about your school as they browse. For example, special needs will show the specific care your propose for each special need.

Additional upgrades for Premium members

News posts

Do you have any special announcement such as a new director, a new virtual tour, a project of a new facility, great results or open days? Share the fantastic news with us and it will be featured on your profile as well as on school news section.

Support for parents

High traffic article can bring your school the recognition it deserves. Write about your curriculum, share advices about education, application, university preparation or any other topic that interest parents worldwide and bring your school lots of attention.

More visibility

Premium profiles appear on top of any map searches and in all best schools articles. Your picture always appear on top. Premium schools also appear in main search page such as international schools and boarding schools for extra visibility and attention.

Social media promotion

Benefit of extra promotion on social media. Appear in content that reaches many on Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, Tiktok, Youtube, Twitter, Pinterest. We can also create extra specific campaigns for your school upon request.

More requests

New profiles fully reviewed and optimized analyzied of the behaviours for a better conversion and qualification of every admission inquiry you receive

Improved profiles

New profiles fully reviewed and optimized analyzied of the behaviours for a better conversion and qualification of every admission inquiry you receive

Get in touch

Firstname *
Lastname *
Email *
Job Title *
School Name *
Website *