Bodwell High School
- from 12
- to 19 years old
40 different nationalities
- from 52225
- to 61225
500 students
Founded in 1992
FISA, IB, AP, BC-TEAL, BC Ministry of Education
Bodwell offers an IB middle years program from grades 8-10, followed by a mixed curriculum of local Canadian education and the Advanced Placement program (North American courses equivalent to first-year university)
Extra curricular
Bodwell offers a mixture of extra-curriculars that cover academic support, language development, competitive sports, and life skills/hobbies. These take place 2-3 times per week after school, and on Saturday mornings. With over 99 options each year, students have a wide range to explore quality extracurricular classes alongside their studies.
On-campus facilities include sports and recreation spaces, the highlight of which is our indoor swimming pool. The school provides three meals per day catered for students, as well as evening snack. Students have access to a rotating weekly schedule of field trip activities organized by boarding staff. Finally, students occupy shared rooms for 2-4, located in living halls of 20-30 students.
Dining room
Swimming pool
Soccer court
Basketball court
Arts room
Music room
Science room
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Bodwell High School?
- from 52225
- to 61225
Boarding school tuition
Fees include accommodations for each semester, inclusive of meals, activities, and living space. Some one-time fees factor into this as well, including medical insurance, uniforms, and a damage deposit.
Things to know
How many students are in Bodwell High School?
500 students
- In total, Bodwell High School enrolls
- 500 students from
- 40 different nationalities.
Yes - we have a nursing team onsite with