Christian Schools in Switzerland

Are you a parent who is searching for a private school in Switzerland that can offer your child the best education, while also instilling Christian values and teachings? If so, you’ll be pleased to know that there are some excellent private Christian schools in Switzerland that can provide your child with a top-notch education. These schools combine academic excellence with spiritual development, creating a well-rounded education that prepares students for success in all areas of life. Below is a list of some of the best private Christian schools in Switzerland that you may want to consider for your child.

st-charles-cover-photo st-charles-cover-photo Saint-Charles International School

Saint-Charles International School

Porrentruy, Switzerland
Yearly Cost:
Day school from CHF 7’900 to CHF 35’500; Boarding school from CHF 73’000 to CHF 89’500
IB & Swiss Curriculum
Founded in 1897, Saint-Charles International School Switzerland is located in outstanding settings in Ajoie, in the Swiss Jura Canton. Our mission is to provide students between 8 and 20 with a high-quality education while developing the attributes of kindness, respect, and responsibility towards others and the environment. Saint-Charles follows the humanist and Christian values of caring for others and the environment, respecting cultures and individuals, and approaching the world with openness and positivity. Thus, the school aims to develop the same values in students and to support students in becoming responsible, global citizens who work to make the world a better place. Our slogan, “Accompagner pour grandir” (“Guiding the path to growth”) embodies the essence and the spirit of Saint-Charles. It reflects just how fortunate we are to be allowed to guide young people in such a holistic manner during a crucial period of their development, based on our fundamental values. It is our deeply cherished motivation to build and support the community of Saint-Charles International School Switzerland and to lead it into the future. Saint-Charles offers a complete curriculum for students aged between 8 and 20. We do everything possible to ensure that from primary level right through to the Maturité, students can learn at their own pace and find their way successfully. Our commitment to the youngsters in our care and their parents is based on high-quality teaching, the skills and dedication of our staff and personal monitoring of students – founded on the concepts of care and attentive listening. Primary school – Initiating Knowledge The first steps a human being takes on the path to knowledge are decisive. At Saint-Charles, children and adolescents follow the public school curriculum. The reduced class sizes allow students to tackle subjects in greater depth. This makes all the difference. Collège – Structuring Knowledge At Saint-Charles, we accompany your child to ensure their success by providing them with the tools to make the right choices. Our structure makes it possible to postpone student orientation until transition to secondary school. Orientation takes place at the end of the 9th year, on the basis of academic results, as part of the secondary A or secondary B pathways. International Baccalaureate MYP Program The International Section of Saint-Charles focuses entirely on the International Baccalaureate, taught in English, giving our graduating students the very best access to top Universities, both here in Switzerland and around the world. The MYP is the ideal preparation program for the final two years of the IB Diploma. Young people are supported in linking their academic learning to the world and its different realities, as well as to develop complementary skills to the disciplinary knowledge itself. As students grow with us, they develop the skills young people need to continue their studies and to be successful life-long learners through the IB Learner Profile. This is widely integrated into all aspects of teaching and learning within the MYP programme. Lycée Achieving a high school diploma opens the doors to higher education institutions (University, HES, HEP) or other professional training paths. The Lycée Saint-Charles is an institution recognised by the Swiss Confederation and is authorised to let its students sit the Maturité exams. As of 2016, Saint-Charles offers a bilingual French-English Maturité exam ...