When is the best time to join an online high school?

WSPost-Spark-Whenisthebesttimetojoinanonlineschool WSPost-Spark-Whenisthebesttimetojoinanonlineschool When is the best time to join an online high school?

So you’ve made the choice of joining an online high school

Online high schools are the new trend. Online high schools have become an accessible and innovative learning method for families and students worldwide.

They give you access to the same (if not even better) type of education – from the comfort of your own home. Or even better, from wherever you are in the world, in case you’re a traveller.

Online high schools have grown in popularity in recent years, given the rise of concerns about the effectiveness of traditional education systems in many countries.

Besides that, the way of living has also changed, and families are oftentimes no longer tied to a physical place.

We have parents who travel more often for business and would like to bring their children along without disrupting their schooling.

Or families that like to relocate and discover the world’s wonders without staying in one place.

Or there may be students wondering what to choose between school and their career in sports or their dream of becoming professionals in their fields.

For these people and not only, school should not be a roadblock. But it often ends up being.

And so, the list of different needs and lifestyles can grow further, but we’ll stop here. You get the idea. Online high schools are useful and a lifesaver for some.

But when’s the best time to join one?

Understanding Online High Schools

Online high schools, such as Spark Generation, offer a modern and flexible approach to education by providing high school courses through an online learning platform.

This allows students to complete their high school education remotely, leveraging technology to create interactive and engaging learning experiences.

One of the main attractions of online high schools is their flexibility. Students can study at their own pace, on their own schedule, and from any location with internet access.

Flexible online learning environments allow students to:

Personalise Their Learning Path: Students can choose when, how, and where they learn, tailoring their education to fit their personal needs and schedules.

Maintain Comfort and Convenience: Students often experience better focus and information retention when studying in a comfortable environment.

Avoid Commutes: Online learning gets rid of the time and stress that comes with commuting to a physical school.

Enhance Responsibility and Independence: Students develop crucial skills in time like self-teaching or time management

So, when should I join an online high school?

Joining an online high school can be pretty much done – whenever you want to. At least, that’s how it is at Spark Generation.

However, there might be differences depending on how the online high school you want to join manages its academic year.

At Spark Generation, admissions are open all year round, so students can enroll in the online school at any time.

But if you are to choose what time of the year you want to enrol, here are some things to keep in mind:

Joining an online high school at the beginning of the academic year

Advantages Disadvantages
Synchronised Schedules:

Starting in sync with the traditional school year makes it easier to manage holidays and breaks, especially for families with children in both online and traditional schools.

Summer Preparation:

Transitioning to an online high school requires setting up technology, creating a suitable study environment, and

familiarising yourself with the new online learning platform.

Smooth Curriculum Flow:

Beginning at the start ensures that students follow the curriculum as intended, which is crucial for building foundational knowledge in subjects like math and science.

Social and Extracurricular Activities:

Students have more opportunities to join virtual clubs, sports, and social events, helping them build connections and feel part of a community from the start.

Joining an online high school mid-year

Advantages Disadvantages
Flexibility to Start at a Convenient Time

Start when it’s best for you, rather than waiting for a new academic year.

Potential Difficulties in Catching Up

Catching up with ongoing coursework can be challenging, especially in sequential subjects.

Opportunity to Transfer Without Losing Academic Progress

Seamless transition with systems in place to assess and integrate transfer credits.

Disruption of Learning Continuity

Adjusting to a new curriculum and learning platform can disrupt learning continuity.

Fresh Start for Struggling Students

Provides a new environment and personalised learning for those struggling in traditional schools.

Joining Before the Current Academic Term Ends

Advantages Disadvantages
Gradual Transition into Online Learning

Allows for a gradual transition into the online learning environment.

Overlapping Commitments

Managing the overlap between traditional and online school commitments.

Familiarisation with the online Learning Platform and Resources

Opportunity to get familiarised with the online learning platform and resources before the new term.

Curriculum Alignment

Possible gaps in curriculum alignment.

Easier Integration     without            Immediate Pressure

Easier to integrate into the new system without the pressure of starting immediately.

Making the Decision

Ultimately, the decision is entirely in your hands, and now you’ve also got some knowledge related to the topic.

Do you want to be an early bird and join at the start of the academic year? You’ve got a couple of months that you can use to decide.

Do you want to join right now? Not sure if all online schools allow it, but Spark Generation definitely does.

You don’t have to jump right in! Try our subscription for a trial

If you’d like to see what Spark Generation is like, we have good news!

We now have an unlimited learning subscription that grants students access to all of our courses on our online learning platform.

Cool, right?

For only 5€/month for the first 3 months (use the discount code EARLY3MONTHS at checkout 🤫), you can get a taste of our online learning platform, academic and non-academic courses, and overall vibe.

This might ease the decision before jumping right into an online high school.

Thanks for checking out our guide on the best times to start online high school. Whatever path you choose, we’re here to help make your school experience awesome.