Die besten IB-Schulen (International Baccalaureate) in Thailand

Der IB-Lehrplan (International Baccalaureate) ist in Thailand sehr beliebt. Entdecken Sie die besten IB-Schulen (International Baccalaureate) in Thailand.

Warum eine IB-Schule in Thailand wählen?

Die IB-Organisation wurde ursprünglich als Reaktion auf die mangelnde Flexibilität in den verschiedenen Schulsystemen auf der ganzen Welt gegründet. Heute ist das IB-Bildungssystem in mehr als 100 Ländern weltweit anerkannt und viele der großen britischen und nordamerikanischen Universitäten stehen potenziellen Studenten mit einem IB-Diplom sehr positiv gegenüber. In einem Artikel im The Telegraph beleuchtet John Claugthon, scheidender Obermeister der King Edward’s School, einige der Gründe, warum sich Schulen auf der ganzen Welt dafür entscheiden, das IB-Diploma-Programm anzubieten. Er weist auf die Breite des Programms als eine der Hauptmotivationen hin: „IB-Schulen glauben, dass die alte Befreiung von der engen Welt der Spezialisierung nicht mehr ausreicht.“ Viele Universitäten auf der ganzen Welt folgen diesem Gedankengang, und eine Immer mehr von ihnen überarbeiten ihre Zulassungskriterien, um mehr IB-Absolventen anzulocken. Claugthon nennt unter anderem das King’s College in London und weist darauf hin, dass 20 Prozent der neuen Studenten der Universität IB-Studenten sind. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einer Ausbildung sind, die Sie anregt und herausfordert, aber auch harte Arbeit erfordert, dann ist das IB genau das Richtige für Sie der perfekte Ort für Sie.
Das „Königreich Thailand“ ist eine aufstrebende Volkswirtschaft und gilt als Schwellenland. Thailand verzeichnete von 1985 bis 1996 die weltweit höchste Wirtschaftswachstumsrate – durchschnittlich 12,4 % pro Jahr. Die thailändische Kultur wurde von vielen Einflüssen geprägt, darunter indische, laotische, burmesische, kambodschanische und chinesische. Es ist die einzige südostasiatische Nation, die nie kolonisiert wurde. Die thailändischen Provinzen werden von Regionen verwaltet. Jede Region hat ihren eigenen historischen Hintergrund, ihre eigene Kultur, ihre eigene Sprache und ihre eigenen Menschen. Thailands vorherrschende Religion ist der Theravada-Buddhismus, der ein integraler Bestandteil der thailändischen Identität und Kultur ist. Die aktive Teilnahme am Buddhismus gehört zu den höchsten der Welt. Laut der Volkszählung von 2000 identifizierten sich 94,6 % der Bevölkerung des Landes selbst als Buddhisten der Theravada-Tradition.

Beste IB-Schulen in Thailand

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    • location 1161 Hongqiao Road, Shanghai China 200051
    Shanghai Community International School

    Die Shanghai Community International School (SCIS) wurde 1996 als eine der ersten internationalen Schulen Shanghais gegründet und ist eine gemeinnützige pädagogische Tagesschule, die von einem sich selbständigen Vorstand geleitet und von der International Schools Foundation beaufsichtigt wird.

    gender Koedukation
    1800 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 122,000 to 277,500 RMB
    min fee From 2 to 18 yo
    • location Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz, Lyceum Alpinum 12, 7524 Zuoz, Switzerland
    Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz

    Das 1904 gegründete Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz ist ein internationales Schweizer Internat inmitten einer spektakulären Alpenlandschaft in der Nähe von St.

    gender Koedukation
    340 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, Schweizer Lehrplan
    min fee from CHF 91,000 to CHF 108,850
    min fee From 12 to 19 yo
    • location IBS Of Provence - Private School Bilingue Internationale, 500 Rte de Bouc Bel air, 13080 Aix-en-Provence, France
    International Bilingual School of Provence

    The International Bilingual School of Provence, an independent coeducational school located near Aix-en-Provence in the south of France, owes its international character to the diversity of its student population.

    gender Koedukation
    950 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Französischer Lehrplan, Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 10250 to 35855 EUR
    min fee From 2 to 18 yo
    • location 33 Global edu-ro 145beon-gil Daejeong-eup Seogwipo-si Jeju-do 63644, South Korea
    North London Collegiate School Jeju

    NLCS Jeju bietet eine anregende und abwechslungsreiche Erfahrung, bei der jedes Kind herausgefordert und dabei unterstützt wird, sein Potenzial auszuschöpfen.

    gender Koedukation
    1420 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From 25500 to 35500 USD
    min fee From 4 to 18 yo
    • location 490 Thomson Rd, Singapore 298191
    St. Joseph’s Institution International

    SJI International is a Lasallian Catholic school in Singapore that offers a holistic, values-driven, international educational experience to a 2,000-strong student body of over 40 nationalities.

    gender Koedukation
    2044 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From SGD 37,000 to SGD 46,000
    min fee From 4 to 18 yo
    • location 28 Võ Trường Toản, An Phú, Quận 2, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh 700000, Vietnam
    International School Ho Chi Minh City

    Die International School Ho Chi Minh City (ISHCMC) wurde 1993 gegründet und ist die erste IB-Weltschule in Vietnam, die IB Schülern im Alter von 2 bis 18 Jahren eine kulturell vielfältige Perspektive bietet.

    gender Koedukation
    1410 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 240,900,000 to 871,300,000 VND
    min fee From 2 to 18 yo
    • location KIS International School Reignwood Park Campus, 888 99, Lam Sai, Lam Luk Ka District, Pathum Thani 12130
    KIS International School Reignwood Park Campus

    KIS International School Reignwood Park is a new world-class 60-acre campus opening August 2024 for students aged 3 to 18, from Early Years to Grade 12.

    gender Koedukation
    0 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 630,000 THB to 1,430,000 THB
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location TASIS The American School In Switzerland, Via Collina d'Oro 15, 6926 Montagnola, Switzerland
    TASIS The American School in Switzerland

    TASIS The American School in Switzerland wurde 1956 vom internationalen Bildungspionier M. Crist Fleming gegründet und ist eine Tages- und Internatsschule, deren Ziel es ist, durch Bildung, Reisen und Service Weltbürger zu schaffen.

    gender Koedukation
    765 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, US -Lehrplan
    min fee from 30,000 to 105,000 USD
    min fee From 3 to 19 yo
    • location Behind Abu Dhabi University - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates
    The British International School Abu Dhabi

    The British International School Abu Dhabi offers a welcoming family community with the highest quality learning opportunities as part of our Global Campus.

    gender Koedukation
    2200 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From 50300 to 71040 AED
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location La Côte International School, Chem. de Clamogne 8, 1170 Aubonne, Switzerland
    La Côte International School Aubonne

    Internationale Schule La Côte Aubonne: Ausgezeichnete private Tagesschule für Kinder von 3-18 Jahren. Englische und zweisprachige Bildungswege, IBDP, Juilliard/MIT/UNICEF-Partnerschaften, Spitzenplätze an Universitäten.

    gender Koedukation
    450 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From 18’900 CHF
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location International School of Lausanne, Chem. de la Grangette 2, 1052 Le Mont-sur-Lausanne, Switzerland
    International School of Lausanne

    Die International School of Lausanne (ISL), eine führende gemeinnützige, unabhängige Schule, die sich der Vermittlung einer erstklassigen International Baccalaureate (IB) Ausbildung verschrieben hat, wurde 1962 gegründet. Die ISL zeichnet sich durch eine außergewöhnliche akademische Erfolgsbilanz, ein innovatives und integratives Lernumfeld und eine lebendige internationale Gemeinschaft aus. Die ISL ist vom Council of International Schools (CIS) […]

    gender Koedukation
    865 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From 21000 to 38600 CHF
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location Global Edu-ro, 234 Daejeong-eup, Seogwipo City, Jeju-do, South Korea
    Branksome Hall Asia

    Südkoreas führende unabhängige, vollkontinuitätsorientierte IB World School bietet Schülern akademische Exzellenz gepaart mit beispiellosem Engagement für globales Engagement und Wohlbefinden.

    gender Koedukation
    1210 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From 20,188,000 KRW + $13,126 USD to 24,714,000 KRW + $16,044 USD; Boarding Fees Additional 20,000,000 KRW
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location Sportlaan 45, 1185 TB Amstelveen, The Netherlands
    International School of Amsterdam

    ISA ist ein weltweit anerkannter Marktführer in der Ausbildung zur Völkerverständigung. ISA wurde 1964 gegründet und war die erste Schule der Welt, die alle IB-Kernprogramme im Alter von 2 bis 18 Jahren anbot.

    gender Koedukation
    1252 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 18775 to 26,950 EUR
    min fee From 2 to 18 yo
    • location 59 Moo 2, Thepkrasattri Road, T. Koh Kaew, A. Muang, Mueang Phuket District, Phuket 83000, Thailand
    British International School, Phuket

    Die British International School, Phuket (BISP) ist eine englischsprachige, koedukative Tages- und Internatsschule, die 1996 im Herzen von Phuket, Thailand, gegründet wurde.

    gender Koedukation
    900 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 351500 to 681,000 THB
    min fee From 1 to 18 yo
    • location 23 Avenue Franklin Roosevelt,1050 Brussels, Belgium
    BEPS International School

    BEPS ist bekannt für sein Familiengefühl, das es in den letzten 50 Jahren gepflegt hat, eine enge Gemeinschaft pflegt und gleichzeitig sinnvolles und authentisches Lernen ermöglicht.

    gender Koedukation
    300 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 16'800 to 30'750 EUR
    min fee From 2 to 18 yo
    • location 33 King Lam St, Cheung Sha Wan, Hong Kong
    Christian Alliance International School

    CAIS ist eine gemeinnützige internationale Schule mit mehr als 1.500 Schülern aus mehr als 25 Nationalitäten mit Sitz in Hongkong.

    gender Koedukation
    0 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, Kanadischer Lehrplan, US -Lehrplan
    min fee from 123,200 HKD
    min fee From 5 to 17 yo
    • location The English School Of Kyrenia, Bilim Sokak, Beylerbeyi 99320, Cyprus
    The English School of Kyrenia

    Die English School of Kyrenia ist eine führende Privatschule für Jungen und Mädchen im Alter von 2 bis 18 Jahren auf Zypern und bietet eine Ausbildung im britischen Stil in einem internationalen Umfeld.

    gender Koedukation
    900 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 4280 to 8340 GBP
    min fee From 2 to 18 yo
    • location Suzhou Singapore International School, 208 Zhongnan Street, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China
    Suzhou Singapore International School

    Die 1996 gegründete Suzhou Singapore International School (SSIS) ist eine vollständig autorisierte IB World School sowie die erste und größte internationale Schule in Suzhou, China.

    gender Koedukation
    1100 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Deutscher Lehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 78000 to 243000 RMB
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location Schönfels 5, 6300 Zug, Switzerland
    Institut Montana Zugerberg

    Das Institut Montana Zugerberg ist seit 90 Jahren ein voll anerkanntes internationales Schweizer Internat und seit 1987 eine offizielle IB World School.

    gender Koedukation
    380 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat, Schweizer Lehrplan
    min fee from 32’900 CHF to 72’800 CHF
    min fee From 6 to 19 yo
    • location Leopoldstraße 208, 80804 München, Germany
    Bavarian International School (BIS)

    „An beiden BIS-Standorten, in München-Schwabing und Haimhausen, erfolgt die Ausbildung von rund 1.200 Studierenden aus mehr als 60 Nationen nach der Philosophie Believe, Inspire, Succeed.“

    gender Koedukation
    1150 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee Fees available upon request
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location École Nouvelle de la Suisse Romande, Chemin de Rovéréaz 20, 1012 Lausanne, Switzerland
    ENSR International School

    Die ENSR International School ist eine führende, nicht gewinnorientierte, private Bildungseinrichtung in der Schweiz.

    gender Koedukation
    500 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, Schweizer Lehrplan
    min fee from 12200 to 25400 CHF
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location Smiling International School, Corso Porta Mare, 117, 44121 Ferrara FE, Italy
    Smiling International School

    Die Smiling International School ist vom italienischen Bildungsministerium akkreditiert und außerdem eine International Baccalaureate® World School, die berechtigt ist, das IB-Diploma-Programm anzubieten.

    gender Koedukation
    450 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum andere, Internationaler Baccalaureat, Italian Curriculum
    min fee From 6980 to 19600 EUR
    min fee From 2 to 18 yo
    • location H-FARM Campus, Via Adriano Olivetti, 1, 31056 Roncade TV, Italy
    H-FARM International School

    H-FARM International School is a day & boarding school offering three IB programmes (PYP, MYP, DP) within a stunning and innovative 50-hectare campus, located minutes away from Venice, Italy.

    gender Koedukation
    650 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 9500 to 21000 EUR
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location 19 Kattenberg, 1170 Brussels, Belgium
    International School of Brussels

    Since 1951, the International School of Brussels (ISB) has delivered high quality education to students from countries around the world.

    gender Koedukation
    1350 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, US -Lehrplan
    min fee from 18,825 to 40,625 EUR
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location 70 Rue du Théâtre, 75015 Paris, France
    École Jeannine Manuel Paris

    Die École Jeannine Manuel ist eine französische, zweisprachige und internationale K-12-Schule, die 1954 gegründet wurde. Sie heißt über 2400 Schüler mit über 80 verschiedenen Nationalitäten willkommen und bietet sowohl das IB als auch das BFI an.

    gender Koedukation
    2400 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 7100 to 24,795 EUR
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location The Global College, C. de Castellón de la Plana, 8, Chamartín, 28006 Madrid, Spain
    The Global College

    The Global College is a co-educational day and boarding school for 15 to 18-year-olds, offering an innovative IB Diploma Programme, anchored in the history and values of IE University.

    gender Koedukation
    250 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From €20,940 to €37,440
    min fee From 15 to 18 yo
    • location South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18, D18 T672, Ireland
    Nord Anglia International School Dublin

    Die Nord Anglia International School Dublin ist eine einzigartige internationale Schule in Dublin, die eine erstklassige und zeitgemäße Ausbildung für 3- bis 18-Jährige bietet.

    gender Koedukation
    480 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 12620 to 19,444 EUR
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location Saint-Charles International School, Rte de Belfort 10, 2900 Porrentruy, Switzerland
    Saint-Charles International School

    Die 1897 gegründete Saint-Charles International School befindet sich in Porrentruy, Schweiz. Wir bieten Schülern im Alter von 8 bis 20 Jahren eine qualitativ hochwertige Ausbildung und engagieren uns für die Förderung von Weltbürgern.

    gender Koedukation
    180 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, Schweizer Lehrplan
    min fee Day school from CHF 7’900 to CHF 35’500; Boarding school from CHF 73’000 to CHF 89’500
    min fee From 8 to 19 yo
    • location Muehlentalstrasse 280, 8200 Schaffhausen, Switzerland
    ISSH International School of Schaffhausen

    Die International School of Schaffhausen (ISSH) ist ein Ort, an dem sich Schüler fern der Heimat wie zu Hause fühlen.

    gender Koedukation
    300 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 24590 to 54090 CHF
    min fee From 1 to 18 yo
    • location Carrer d'Eduard Toldrà, 18, 08034 Barcelona, Spain
    St. Peter’s School Barcelona

    Die St. Peter’s-Schule ist die einzige Schule in Barcelona, ​​an der das IB-Kontinuum auf Englisch unterrichtet wird. Wir bieten die drei International Baccalaureate-Programme an: Early and Primary Years, Middle Years und Diploma Programme.

    gender Koedukation
    600 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 9800 to 17,289 EUR
    min fee From 1 to 18 yo
    • location Via Aventina, 3, 00153 Roma RM, Italy
    St. Stephen’s School Rome

    Eine IB World School im Herzen von Rom. Eine vernetzte Gemeinschaft, die von unseren 5 Grundwerten Wissenschaft, Integrität, Kreativität, Unabhängigkeit und Fürsorge angetrieben wird.

    gender Koedukation
    308 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 28,960 EUR to 49,413 EUR
    min fee From 13 to 18 yo
  • Hangzhou International School (HIS)

    HIS ist die einzige gemeinnützige, international akkreditierte (WASC) IB World School in der Provinz Zhejiang.

    gender Koedukation
    900 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 185000 to 237,500 CNY
    min fee From 2 to 18 yo
    • location Yago School | Colegio privado bilingüe e internacional en Sevilla, Av. Antonio Mairena, 54, 41950 Castilleja de la Cuesta, Sevilla, Spain
    Yago School

    Yago School is an innovative IB day school (Ages 0 to 18) and the only Boarding School in Sevilla.

    gender Koedukation
    824 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, Spanischer Lehrplan
    min fee From 7 200 EUR to 33 000 EUR
    min fee From 1 to 18 yo
    • location 33/3 Moo 1 Pong, Banglamung Chonburi Pattaya, 20, 20150, Thailand
    Regents International School Pattaya

    Regents International School Pattaya is like no other school in Thailand. As part of the family of 66 Nord Anglia schools located around the world, we provide unique learning opportunities far beyond the ordinary. We are an exciting, vibrant and inclusive school which has something to offer to every child and every family in our dynamic and diverse community.

    gender Koedukation
    1000 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 133,200 to 680,675 THB
    min fee From 2 to 18 yo
    • location 10 An Hua Street, Shunyi District, Beijing 101318, PRC
    International School of Beijing

    Mit einem gemeinnützigen Modell, einem forschungsbasierten Bildungsansatz und erstklassigen Einrichtungen auf unserem wunderschönen Campus stellt ISB sicher, dass unsere Studenten beeindruckende Ergebnisse erzielen und ihre Leidenschaften entdecken können.

    gender Koedukation
    1750 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, US -Lehrplan
    min fee From 232,800 to 333,300 RMB
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location Rue de la Berarde 10, Le Hameau, Verbier 1936, Switzerland
    Copperfield International School Verbier

    Copperfield Verbier ist die weltweit einzige internationale Ski-in/Ski-out-Schule und befindet sich im Schweizer Alpendorf Verbier.

    gender Koedukation
    50 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 31,000 to 46,000 CHF
    min fee From 4 to 18 yo
    • location Rijksstraatweg 200, 2241 BX Wassenaar, The Netherlands
    American School of The Hague

    Die American School of The Hague (ASH) ist eine internationale Schule mit Sitz in Wassenaar, Niederlande.

    gender Koedukation
    1200 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, US -Lehrplan
    min fee from 14650 to 22,890 EUR
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location British International School Hanoi, Vinhomes Riverside, Hoa Lan, Road, Long Biên, Hà Nội, Vietnam
    British International School (BIS) Hanoi

    An der BIS Hanoi haben wir uns zu hervorragender Bildung verpflichtet. Ihr Kind wird sein Bestes geben, inspiriert durch einzigartige Lernerfahrungen, technologisch ausgestattete Einrichtungen und unsere Weltklasse-Lehrer. Unsere blühende Schulgemeinschaft, in der jeder mit Integrität, Fürsorge und Respekt behandelt wird, fördert eine Kultur des Erfolgs, die sicherstellt, dass unsere Schüler durchweg hervorragende Ergebnisse erzielen. Das […]

    gender Koedukation
    1100 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From 234,400,000 to 896,900,000 VND
    min fee From 2 to 18 yo
    • location Prem Tinsulanonda International School, 234 XW68+W3, Huai Sai, Mae Rim District, Chiang Mai 50180, Thailand
    Prem International School

    gender Koedukation
    532 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From 372400 THB to 722000 THB
    min fee From 3 to 19 yo
    • location Salmannsdorfer Str. 47, 1190 Wien, Austria
    American International School Vienna

    Set within the rich cultural context of Austria and the beauty of the Vienna woods, the American International School Vienna is one of the top international schools in the country.

    gender Koedukation
    800 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, US -Lehrplan
    min fee from 12000 to 23,000 EUR
    min fee From 4 to 18 yo
    • location French International School of Hong Kong - Lycée Français International de Hong Kong, 165 Blue Pool Rd, Happy Valley, Hong Kong
    French International School of Hong Kong (Lycée Français International de Hong Kong)

    Culturally French, Globally Minded – Die 1963 gegründete French International School of Hong Kong ist eine der ersten internationalen Schulen in Hongkong und war die erste Schule in Hongkong, die das IB-Diplom anbot. Eine IB-Schule von Welt – Die FIS ist eine durchgängig zweisprachige internationale Schule in Hongkong mit über 2700 Schülern an 4 Standorten. […]

    gender Koedukation
    2700 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum andere, Cambridge Lehrplan, Französischer Lehrplan, Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From 135000 HKD
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location Schopfheimer Allee 10, 14532 Kleinmachnow, Germany
    BBIS Berlin Brandenburg International School

    Willkommen an der BBIS Berlin Brandenburg International School, einem Ort, an dem Schüler die Möglichkeit haben, ihr einzigartiges Potenzial auszuschöpfen und auf globaler Ebene erfolgreich zu sein.

    gender Koedukation
    860 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 14,500 to 23,650 EUR
    min fee From 3 to 19 yo
    • location Eichenstrasse 4C, 8808 Pfäffikon, Switzerland
    OBS / Obersee Bilingual School

    Willkommen bei OBS Wir befähigen Kinder, sich den komplexen Herausforderungen der Zukunft zu stellen.

    gender Koedukation
    350 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, Schweizer Lehrplan
    min fee from 21000 to 23000 CHF
    min fee From 2 to 18 yo
    • location Zurich International School, Steinacherstrasse 140, 8820 Wädenswil, Switzerland
    Zurich International School

    Internationale Schule Zürich: Eine führende gemeinnützige Tagesschule für einheimische und ausländische Kinder im Alter von 3-18 Jahren in der Schweiz. Unterricht in Englisch; zusätzlicher zweisprachiger Englisch/Deutsch-Kurs für Kinder von 3-9 Jahren.

    gender Koedukation
    1200 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, Schweizer Lehrplan, US -Lehrplan
    min fee from 16,300 to 36,600 CHF
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location Svis - Sainte Victoire International School | School Ib Private Bilingual | Provence, Domaine du, Chem. de Maurel, 13710 Fuveau, France
    SVIS – Sainte Victoire International School

    SVIS – Sainte Victoire International School is an IB World School located near Aix-en-Provence in the south of France.

    gender Koedukation
    150 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 11,100 to 36,150 EUR
    min fee From 5 to 18 yo
    • location 555 Lianmin Rd, Qingpu, Shanghai, China
    The Western International School of Shanghai (WISS)

    Die Western International School of Shanghai (WISS) ist eine zukunftsorientierte Schule, die seit 2006 junge Menschen aus aller Welt inspiriert.

    gender Koedukation
    620 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 161,975 to 275,600 CNY
    min fee From 2 to 17 yo
    • location Al Jaddaf, Dubai HealthCare City, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    Swiss International School Dubai

    The Swiss International Scientific School in Dubai (SISD) is a leading international day and boarding school where future generations are inspired to become confident and enthusiastic lifelong learners, ready to embrace the opportunities and challenges of a global world.

    gender Koedukation
    1550 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, Schweizer Lehrplan
    min fee from 53000 to 99,000 AED
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location Amadeus International School Vienna - Private boarding and day school in Vienna, Bastiengasse 36-38, 1180 Wien, Austria
    AMADEUS International School Vienna

    AMADEUS International School Vienna is a unique day and first-class boarding IB World school with an integrated Music and Arts Academy.

    gender Koedukation
    310 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 13200 to 52000 EUR
    min fee From 3 to 19 yo
    • location Munich International School, Schloss, 82319 Starnberg, Germany
    Munich International School

    Founded in 1966, Munich International School is an independent, non-profit IB World School (IBO) that has been authorised by the IBO since 1980. MIS is officially recognised by the Bavarian ministry of education and fully accredited by the Council of International Schools (CIS) and the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). Munich International School promotes excellence in learning and in individual student growth and development.

    gender Koedukation
    1200 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From 11,534 EUR to 23,408 EUR
    min fee From 4 to 18 yo
    • location Institut auf dem Rosenberg, Höhenweg 60, 9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland
    Institut auf dem Rosenberg

    Das Institut auf dem Rosenberg, the Artisans of Education®, ist ein internationales Schweizer Internat für Schüler im Alter von 5 bis 18 Jahren.

    gender Koedukation
    230 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum andere, Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat, US -Lehrplan
    min fee from 150'000.00 CHF
    min fee From 6 to 19 yo
    • location South Korea, Daejeon, Yuseong-gu, 유성구 용산2로 77 (77 Yongsan 2-ro, Yuseong Gu) Daejeon, South Korea
    Taejon Christian International School

    Die Taejon Christian International School wurde 1958 gegründet.

    gender Koedukation
    400 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, US -Lehrplan
    min fee from 20,000 to 40,000 USD
    min fee From 4 to 19 yo
    • location Copenhagen International School, Levantkaj 4-14, 2150 Nordhavn, Denmark
    Copenhagen International School

    An der CIS, einem weltweit führenden IB-Bildungsinstitut für Kinder im Alter von 2-19 Jahren in Kopenhagen, bieten wir ein dynamisches und abgerundetes akademisches Programm an, das darauf abzielt, neugierige, selbstbewusste Köpfe zu entwickeln. Dies ist ein Ort, an dem wir die Schüler dabei unterstützen, anders zu denken. Wissbegierig zu sein. Interessensgebiete zu finden und zu […]

    gender Koedukation
    950 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From 141,000 to 197,000 DKK
    min fee From 2 to 19 yo
    • location No.11, Anfu Street, Houshayu, Shunyi District, Beijing, China
    Keystone Academy

    Die Keystone Academy ist eine innovative und einzigartige Schule in China und der Welt.

    gender Koedukation
    1600 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, US -Lehrplan
    min fee from 250,000 to 387,500 yuan
    min fee From 5 to 18 yo
    • location 46 avenue Eglé, Maisons-Laffitte, 78600, France
    Ermitage International School

    Willkommen an der Ermitage International School, einer vielfältigen, kosmopolitischen Gemeinschaft mit 80 Jahren Erfahrung in der Vermittlung von Engagement, Erfolg und Erfolg für Schüler.

    gender Koedukation
    1500 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 6,700 to 27,700 EUR
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location Trường Quốc tế Liên Hợp Quốc Hà Nội, G9, Khu đô thị Ciputra, Tây Hồ, Hà Nội, Vietnam
    gender Koedukation
    1165 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From $12,570 to $36,920 USD
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location Verhulstlaan 21, 3055WJ Rotterdam, The Netherlands
    gender Koedukation
    250 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 15200 to 19700 EUR
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location Paseo de Alcobendas, 9, La Moraleja, 28109, Madrid, Spain
    gender Koedukation
    2200 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, Montessori, Spanischer Lehrplan
    min fee from 6200 to 11000 EUR
    min fee From 1 to 18 yo
    • location Paseo de los Andes, 35. Soto de Viñuelas, Madrid 28761, Spain
    gender Koedukation
    1580 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 5180 to 30985 EUR
    min fee From 1 to 18 yo
    • location Chemin de Saint-Georges 19, 1815 Clarens/Montreux, Switzerland
    gender Koedukation
    400 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat, US -Lehrplan
    min fee from 28’420 to 43’690 CHF
    min fee From 2 to 18 yo
    • location 7-31-1 Kizugawadai Kizugawa City Kyoto, Kyoto, 619-0225, JAPAN
    gender Koedukation
    0 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee N/A
    min fee From 1 to 19 yo
    • location Eugène-Lance 24, 1212 Grand-Lancy, Geneva, Switzerland
    gender Koedukation
    1420 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Französischer Lehrplan, Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 15400 to 27800 CHF
    min fee From 3 to 19 yo
    • location International School San Patricio Toledo, Juan de Vergara, 1 – Urbanización La Legua – 45005 Toledo, Spain
    gender Koedukation
    515 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 6885 to 33000 EUR
    min fee From 1 to 18 yo
    • location International School of Hamburg (ISH), Hemmingstedter Weg 130, 22609 Hamburg, Germany
    gender Koedukation
    740 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 3300 EUR to 23.290 EUR/year
    min fee From 3 to 19 yo
    • location Via I Maggio 20, 20021 Baranzate (Mi), Italy
    gender Koedukation
    900 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 11,600 to 46,215 EUR
    min fee From 2 to 18 yo
    • location United Lisbon International School, Av. Mar. Gomes da Costa No 9, 1800-255 Lisboa, Portugal
    gender Koedukation
    600 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, US -Lehrplan
    min fee From 10643 to 21745 EUR
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location C. el Barbero de Sevilla, 16, 28222 Majadahonda, Madrid, Spain
    gender Koedukation
    250 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 4,500EUR to 10,500 EUR
    min fee From 1 to 18 yo
    • location 3 烟雨南街二沙岛 Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China, 510105
    gender Koedukation
    1000 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, US -Lehrplan
    min fee from 212,000 to 281,000 CNY
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
  • gender Koedukation
    0 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee Fees available upon request
    min fee From 2 to 18 yo
    • location Singapore Eton House International School (East Gate), 2P7M+P8C, Xiangshan Rd, Jianye District, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, 210019
    gender Koedukation
    0 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From 114,800 to 154,800 CNY
    min fee From 2 to 18 yo
    • location Methodist Ladies' College (MLC), 207 Barkers Rd, Kew VIC 3101, Australia
    gender Für Mädchen
    2200 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From $23,250 to $54,330 AUD
    min fee From 4 to 18 yo
    • location Cranbrook School, 5 Victoria Rd, Bellevue Hill NSW 2023, Australia
    gender Für Jungs
    1680 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From $10,396 to $56,346 AUD
    min fee From 4 to 18 yo
    • location 25 Man Fuk Rd, Ho Man Tin, Hong Kong
    gender Koedukation
    740 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, US -Lehrplan
    min fee From 188,600 HKD to 227,600 HKD
    min fee From 5 to 18 yo
    • location 200 Greyhound Rd, Hammersmith, London W14 9SD, United Kingdom
    gender Koedukation
    700 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 18420 to 21,567 GBP
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location 1-1 Inarimae,, Tsukuba-shi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki Prefecture, 305-8502, JAPAN
    gender Koedukation
    0 students
    day boarding Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee N/A
    min fee From 1 to 19 yo
    • location 1-1 Katsuragaoka, Kani, Gifu, 509-0237, JAPAN
    gender Koedukation
    0 students
    day boarding Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee N/A
    min fee From 1 to 19 yo
    • location 6 Chome-1-1 Tamagawagakuen, Machida, Tokyo 194-8610, Japan
    gender Koedukation
    219 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 1886000 to 1,902,000 JPY
    min fee From 12 to 18 yo
    • location Chatsworth International School, 72 Bukit Tinggi Rd, Singapore 289760
    gender Koedukation
    800 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 29,367.30 to 39,971.40 SGD
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location 33-1 Hachikenyadani,, Hirono-cho, Kyoto, 6110031, JAPAN
    gender Koedukation
    0 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee N/A
    min fee From 1 to 19 yo
    • location Via Filippo Tajani 50, 00149 Rome, Italy
    gender Koedukation
    420 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 10812 to 20355 EUR
    min fee From 3 to 14 yo
    • location Estr. Alfragide 94, 2610-015 Amadora, Portugal
    gender Koedukation
    2041 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from €7.680 to €18.600
    min fee From 1 to 18 yo
    • location Kasteellaan 1, Ommen, The Netherlands
    gender Koedukation
    100 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 15,000 to 25,200 EUR
    min fee From 6 to 19 yo
    • location Mirabal Internacional School, C. Monte Almenara, S/N, 28669 Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, Spain
    gender Koedukation
    1920 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, Spanischer Lehrplan
    min fee from 3900 to 7500 EUR
    min fee From 1 to 18 yo
    • location Canadian School of Milan, Via Melchiorre Gioia, 42, 20124 Milano MI, Italy
    gender Koedukation
    400 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, Kanadischer Lehrplan
    min fee from 12,500 to 20,400 EUR
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location International School of Zug and Luzern, Walterswil 1, 6340 Baar
    gender Koedukation
    1250 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From 15,400 CHF to 36,225 CHF
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location International School of Bologna, Via della Libertà, 2, 40123 Bologna BO, Italy
    gender Koedukation
    275 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From $9,500 to $20,000
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location 22-1 Tamagawa cho, Minami ku, Fukuoka shi, Fukuoka, 8150037, JAPAN
    gender Koedukation
    0 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee N/A
    min fee From 1 to 19 yo
    • location 5-6-1 Takahashi, Tagajo, Miyagi, 985-0853, JAPAN
    gender Koedukation
    0 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee N/A
    min fee From 1 to 19 yo
    • location St Cuthbert's College, Elizabeth Caughey Wing 122 Market Road, Epsom, Auckland 1051, Нова Зеландия
    gender Für Mädchen
    1412 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, Neuseeländischer Lehrplan
    min fee From $25,424 to $58,328 NZD
    min fee From 5 to 18 yo
    • location 418 Rue Albert Bailly, 59700 Marcq-en-Barœul, France
    gender Koedukation
    980 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Französischer Lehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From 6,650 EUR to 24,000 EUR
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location 3-1-15 Gion, Asaminami-Ku, Hiroshima, Hiroshima, 731-0138, JAPAN
    gender Koedukation
    0 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee N/A
    min fee From 1 to 19 yo
    • location Sotogrande International School, Av. de la Reserva, s/n, 11310 Sotogrande, Cádiz, Spain,
    gender Koedukation
    1040 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 9,010 to 25,950 EUR
    min fee From 1 to 18 yo
    • location Jerudong International School, Jalan Universiti, Bandar Seri Begawan, BE2119, Brunei Darussalam
    gender Koedukation
    1662 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 53044 to 56452 BND
    min fee From 2 to 18 yo
    • location 43-45 Bedford Square, Bloomsbury, London WC1B 3DN, United Kingdom
    gender Koedukation
    500 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Französischer Lehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 19590 GBP
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location Middleton Hall Ln, Brentwood CM15 8EE, United Kingdom
    gender Koedukation
    1919 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 16641 to 42,687 GBP
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location Montgomery International School, Rue du Duc 133, 1200 Bruxelles, Belgium
    gender Koedukation
    200 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From 23,690 € to 30,754€
    min fee From 6 to 18 yo
    • location 1600 Lingbai Road, Pudong District, Shanghai, China
    gender Koedukation
    2842 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, US -Lehrplan
    min fee From 260,500 to 316,800 Chinese Yuan
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location Chemin de Pangires 26, 1806 St-Légier, Switzerland
    gender Koedukation
    600 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, US -Lehrplan
    min fee from 24'400 to 35'400 CHF
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location Pechersk School International, Viktora Zabily St, 7А, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03039
    gender Koedukation
    110 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 5,000 to 25,600 USD
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location International Sharing School - Taguspark, Av. Dr. Mário Soares 14, 2740-119 Porto Salvo, Portugal
    gender Koedukation
    700 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From 10800 to 25500 EUR
    min fee From 1 to 18 yo
    • location Quinta dos Barreleiros CCI 3952, Volta da Pedra, 2950-201, Palmela, Portugal
    gender Koedukation
    1531 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat, Portugiesischer Lehrplan
    min fee From 7,500 EUR to 37,620 EUR (including boarding) | Portuguese Curriculum: €7,500 to €8,500 | International Curriculum: €11,250 to €15,250
    min fee From 1 to 18 yo
    • location St. Edward's Street Vittoriosa, Birgu BRG, 9039, Malta
    gender Für Jungs, Koedukation
    680 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 1900 to 26,602 EUR
    min fee From 2 to 18 yo
    • location Heidemannstraße 182, 80939 München, Germany
    gender Koedukation
    0 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee Fees available upon request
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location KFUPM, 8922, Saudi Arabia, Dhahran 34464, Saudi Arabia
    gender Koedukation
    3500 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat, US -Lehrplan
    min fee Fees available upon request
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location Jaunā iela 8, Piņķi, Babītes pagasts, LV-2107, Latvia
    gender Koedukation
    363 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat, Montessori
    min fee From 11 900 EUR to 32 000 EUR
    min fee From 1 to 19 yo
    • location Niederrheinstraße 336, 40489 Düsseldorf, Germany
    gender Koedukation
    930 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee Fees available upon request
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location Pekníkova 6, 841 02 Bratislava, Slovakia
    gender Koedukation
    810 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 11,620 to 25,300 EUR
    min fee From 2 to 18 yo
    • location The British School of Cordoba, C. México, 4, Nte. Sierra, 14012 Córdoba, Spain
    gender Koedukation
    457 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From 5,150 to 15,580 EUR
    min fee From 2 to 18 yo
    • location 264 Mai Chi Tho Highway, An Phu Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
    gender Koedukation
    1200 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From 271,000,000 VND – 774,000,000 VND
    min fee From 1 to 18 yo
    • location Ronda 8 de Març, 178, 08390 Montgat, Barcelona, Spain
    gender Koedukation
    1450 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, Spanischer Lehrplan
    min fee Day School: 10,250 - 13,644 EUR ; Boarding: 38,000 EUR
    min fee From 1 to 18 yo
    • location Carrer del Serrat del Camp, 14, AD400 La Massana, Andorra
    gender Koedukation
    412 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, Spanischer Lehrplan
    min fee From 5.800 to 26.700 EUR
    min fee From 12 to 18 yo
    • location Đ. Nguyễn Xiển, The Manor Central Park, Hoàng Mai, Hà Nội, Vietnam
    gender Koedukation
    0 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From 325,000 to 845,000 VND
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location 1 Dragomyrova Str., 01103, Kyiv, Ukraine
    gender Koedukation
    600 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From €3,000 to €20,820
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location Via Guglielmo Pecori Giraldi, 13700135 Roma RM, Italy
    gender Koedukation
    450 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From 9,700 EUR to 24,425 EUR
    min fee From 2 to 18 yo
    • location Dresden International School, Annenstraße 9, 01067 Dresden, Germany
    gender Koedukation
    500 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 9,185 to 15,695 €. Fee structure available on the school website. Financial aid can be provided, depending on family income
    min fee From 1 to 19 yo
    • location Frankfurt International School, An d. Waldlust 15, 61440 Oberursel (Taunus), Германия
    gender Koedukation
    1800 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 11 590 to 29 210 EUR
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location 2590 Mitsushitori, Kita-ku, Okayama-shi, Okayama, 709-2136, JAPAN
    gender Koedukation
    0 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee N/A
    min fee From 1 to 19 yo
    • location De Parys Avenue, Bedford, MK40 2TU, United Kingdom
    gender Für Jungs
    0 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 22890 to 33,558 GBP
    min fee From 7 to 18 yo
    • location Via Pisani Dossi 16, 20134, Milan, Italy
    gender Koedukation
    730 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee Fees available upon request
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location 747 Kokuba, Naha, Okinawa, 9020075, JAPAN
    gender Koedukation
    0 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee N/A
    min fee From 1 to 19 yo
    • location Carrer de Martorell i Peña, 9, 08017 Barcelona, Spain
    gender Koedukation
    694 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, US -Lehrplan
    min fee from 12,100 to 18,600 EUR
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location Pater Dupierreuxlaan 1, 3080 Tervuren, Belgium
    gender Koedukation
    1350 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 28,400 to 36,325 EUR
    min fee From 1 to 18 yo
    • location 3-6-25, Muraimachi minami, Matsumoto, 399-0036, JAPAN
    gender Koedukation
    0 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee N/A
    min fee From 1 to 19 yo
    • location Husarenstraße 20, 50997 Köln, Germany
    gender Koedukation
    0 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee Fees available upon request
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location Plot 272 Entebbe Rd, Kampala, Uganda
    gender Koedukation
    530 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from $6,200 to $32,000
    min fee From 2 to 19 yo
    • location The British School in the Netherlands - JSV Campus, Vlaskamp 19, 2592 AA Den Haag, The Netherlands
    gender Koedukation
    2100 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From 6,421 to 25,290 EUR
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location Warszawska 202, 05-520 Bielawa, Poland
    gender Koedukation
    950 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, US -Lehrplan
    min fee from 35.000 PLN to 72.000 PLN
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location Wellington College International Shanghai, China, 耀龙路1500号 (No.1500 Yao Long Rd. )
    gender Koedukation
    1600 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From CNY 273,000 to 365'000
    min fee From 2 to 18 yo
    • location The Aga Khan Academy, MBUYUNI ROAD, KIZINGO, MOMBASA, KENYA
    gender Koedukation
    600 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From 500,000 KSH to 3,058,000 KSH
    min fee From 6 to 19 yo
    • location Shukoh Middle School, 2-4-1 Miyagino, Miyaginoku, Sendai, Miyagi, 983-0845, JAPAN
    gender Koedukation
    0 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee N/A
    min fee From 1 to 19 yo
    • location Scots College, 1 Monorgan Road, Strathmore Park, Wellington 6022, New Zealand
    gender Koedukation
    1200 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, Neuseeländischer Lehrplan
    min fee From $21,000 to $67,050 NZD
    min fee From 6 to 18 yo
    • location Carrer de Jaume Balmes, 7, 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain
    gender Koedukation
    998 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, US -Lehrplan
    min fee from 10,643 EUR to 29 ,773 EUR
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location Thames British School (Ochota Campus), Wawelska 66/74, 02-034 Warszawa, Poland
    gender Koedukation
    850 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 44 000 PLN to 85 500 PLN
    min fee From 3 to 19 yo
    • location Route de Sauverny 74, 1290 Versoix, Switzerland
    gender Koedukation
    1900 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 22'700 to CHF 94’400
    min fee From 2 to 18 yo
    • location Via Ponteggia 23, 6814 Cadempino, Switzerland
    gender Koedukation
    170 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 18000 to 25000 CHF
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location Hochalpines Institut Ftan AG, Chalchera 154, 7551 Ftan (Scuol)
    gender Koedukation
    100 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat, Schweizer Lehrplan
    min fee from 53.400 to 64.400 CHF
    min fee From 12 to 19 yo
    • location Strubenacher 3, 8126 Zumikon, Switzerland
    gender Koedukation
    840 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 12220 to 36950 CHF
    min fee From 1 to 18 yo
    • location King's College, The British School Of Alicante, Glorieta del Reino Unido 5, Alicante 03008, Spain
    gender Koedukation
    1130 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 7258 to 10926 EUR
    min fee From 2 to 18 yo
    • location 4-1 Koyo-cho Naka, Higashinada-ku, Kobe, 658-0032, JAPAN
    gender Koedukation
    0 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee N/A
    min fee From 1 to 19 yo
    • location TASIS The American International School in England, Coldharbour Ln, Thorpe TW20 8TE, United Kingdom
    gender Koedukation
    660 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, US -Lehrplan
    min fee from 13,280 to 56,965 GBP
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location Drève Richelle 146, 1410 Waterloo, Belgium
    gender Koedukation
    525 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, US -Lehrplan
    min fee from 11.900,00 to 53000 EUR
    min fee From 2 to 18 yo
    • location Patterdale Rd, Windermere LA23 1NW, United Kingdom
    gender Koedukation
    330 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 8845 to 32985 GBP
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location King's College Murcia, Urbanización La Torre Golf Resort, Calle Pez Volador, s/n, 30709 Roldán, Murcia, Spain
    gender Koedukation
    507 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 5075 to 10820 EUR
    min fee From 1 to 18 yo
    • location Viuzzo di Gattaia, 9, 50125 Firenze FI, Italy
    gender Koedukation
    541 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From €13,950 to €24,040
    min fee From 3 to 19 yo
    • location 3-10-1,Futsukaichi-kita Chikushino City, Fukuoka, Kyushu, 8180056, JAPAN
    gender Koedukation
    0 students
    day boarding Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee N/A
    min fee From 1 to 19 yo
    • location No.259/333/334/335, Tarahunise Post, Jala Hobli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 562157, India
    gender Koedukation
    700 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee Fees available upon request
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
  • gender Koedukation
    200 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 9900 to 14900 EUR
    min fee From 2 to 18 yo
    • location 2-13-35 Toyokawa, Ibaraki, Osaka, Kansai, 567-0057, JAPAN
    gender Koedukation
    0 students
    day boarding Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee N/A
    min fee From 1 to 19 yo
    • location Könneritzstraße 47, 04229 Leipzig, Germany
    gender Koedukation
    1000 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee Fees available upon request
    min fee From 1 to 19 yo
    • location Amity International School, Amsterdam, Amsterdamseweg 204, 1182 HL Amstelveen, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    gender Koedukation
    430 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 16.469 to 20.857,50 EUR
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location Prague British International School, K Lesu 558/2, 142 00 Praha 12, Czechia
    gender Koedukation
    0 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From 329 000 to 657 000 CZK
    min fee From 2 to 19 yo
    • location St. Louis School Caviglia, Via Enrico Caviglia, 1 - 20139 Milan, Italy
    gender Koedukation
    1500 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From 12,910 EUR to 24,430 EUR
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location Chemin des Chavasses 23, 1885 Chesières Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland
    gender Koedukation
    200 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Cambridge Lehrplan, Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 43'000 to 121'000 CHF
    min fee From 4 to 18 yo
    • location Colegio Internacional La Miranda · The Global Quality School · Barcelona, Carrer del Canigó, 15, 08960 Sant Just Desvern, Barcelona, Spain
    gender Koedukation
    1245 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat, Spanischer Lehrplan
    min fee 870€ - 1.100€ (including school meals)
    min fee From 1 to 18 yo
    • location Wijndaelerweg 11, 2554BZ The Hague, The Netherlands
    gender Koedukation
    2000 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee 8000 to 10000 Euros
    min fee From 4 to 18 yo
    • location Oakridge International School Bangalore, Varthur Road, Circle, near Dommasandra, Bengaluru, Karnataka 562125
    gender Koedukation
    1135 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From 290,000 to 1,400,000 INR
    min fee From 2 to 17 yo
    • location 5-7-1 Nijigaoka, Kitahiroshima-shi, Hokkaido, 061-1103, JAPAN
    gender Koedukation
    0 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee N/A
    min fee From 1 to 19 yo
    • location Anglican Church Grammar School (Churchie), Oaklands Parade, East Brisbane QLD 4169, Australia
    gender Für Jungs
    1900 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From $24,820 to $47,579 AUD
    min fee From 4 to 18 yo
    • location ISB International School of Bremen, Badgasteiner Str. 11, 28359 Bremen, Germany
    gender Koedukation
    330 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 11800 to 18000 EUR
    min fee From 3 to 19 yo
    • location COLOGNE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, Rudi-Conin-Straße 10, 50829 Köln, Germany
    gender Koedukation
    475 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Deutscher Lehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee Fees available on the school website
    min fee From 6 to 18 yo
    • location Bulevardul Pipera 196, Voluntari 077190, Romania
    gender Koedukation
    900 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee From 11,150 EUR to 23,830 EUR
    min fee From 2 to 18 yo
    • location 301 Dover Rd, Singapore 139644
    gender Koedukation
    1750 students
    day boarding Day School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 25,488 - 49,806 SGD
    min fee From 3 to 18 yo
    • location Avenue Centrale 61, 1885 Chesieres, Switzerland
    gender Koedukation
    417 students
    day boarding Day & Boarding School
    curriculum Großbritannienlehrplan, Internationaler Baccalaureat
    min fee from 35'100 to CHF 125'000
    min fee From 9 to 18 yo