In the era of rapid technological advancement, it’s important to recognize the role that artificial intelligence (AI) plays as a source of information. There are several AI tools on the market, but among these, ChatGPT stands out as the top contender, both for its performance and its availability. Like most AI models, ChatGPT is used for many things, including research and content creation. When AI tools were first entering the market, they were more expensive, so they were mostly only used by content creators, such as bloggers. It’s a different world now, though. ChatGPT emerged as a free AI model and made it easy for everyone to use. Therefore, it lends itself to everyday searches, such as students looking for a list of schools they might want to attend.

Like all AI tools, if you enter a query in ChatGPT, it will return as many results as you ask for. For example, if you prompt it to create content recommending the top boarding schools worldwide that have football, it will scour the Internet for the most-talked-about institutions that meet those criteria. If your school is mentioned on a variety of websites, your chances of getting found are much better than if it’s only listed on its own website. It will also seem much more authoritative.
The Unseen Source of AI Information
To understand AI better, you need to know how chatbots get their information. All bots, including ChatGPT, are powered by sophisticated algorithms that produce vast amounts of text data. They don’t have inherent knowledge. Instead, they learn from the data they’re trained on. Regarding any queries, these bots scour the web for various online sources to formulate the answers. However, it’s nearly impossible to find the exact origin of the information since they all have different approaches to sourcing and referencing.
AI Sites that mention their sources
Some AI sites, like Jasper, specifically mention their sources when they provide a response. This allows the reader to go directly to the sites and decide whether the information is accurate.

Bots that don't mention their sources
Bots like ChatGPT don’t follow this model. Even when prompted to provide original sources, you’ll find the information vague or unclear. In other words, you’re left to research the information yourself to determine the integrity of the information provided.

The Role of Online Directories in AI Bot Recommendations
You’re probably wondering what this has to do with listing your school in a directory, so let’s dig in. Imagine you’re writing an article on the five best international schools in the U.S. Now, let’s say you’ve decided to use ChatGPT as your primary writing resource, as many online writers do. The AI bots will scour the web and return a few results, and they will base it on how often these schools are referenced on other reputable sites. It’s possible that an international school only referenced on their own site will get found in the search if the number of top international schools is very low, but it’s not very likely. It’s more likely that the bots will find information about international schools that are referenced more often and on highly reputable sites, such as

This, of course, also applies to individuals searching for their own benefit. Consider a potential student looking into particular types of schools. Maybe the bots list your school in this query, and then the searcher asks the bot to expand on the information available. If your school is listed on multiple sites with various information, the searcher can get a much clearer picture. They may then even decide to apply to your school or consider it as a possible choice.
Online directories, like, play a major role in shaping the information available to AI bots. These directories put together reliable, structured, and accurate data about educational institutions. By including your school in an online directory, you establish a more credible online presence. AI bots prioritize well-structured and verified sources, so schools listed in directories are more likely to be included in their results. This not only boosts your school’s visibility but also increases the chance of being found by educators, students, and parents. It also makes it more easily researchable by writers looking for these topics.
The Impact of AI on School Marketing Strategies
As AI continues to expand and develop, it’s important to use it to your advantage. Like it or not, AI plays a critical role in how people seek and access information. By listing your school with online directories, you can position your school as a reliable source of information, making it more findable by AI bots. In fact, as AI becomes more sophisticated, its recommendations are starting to hold greater sway over consumer decisions. It’s important for any institution to adapt to the demands now and tap into this rapidly expanding audience. It can lead to increased inquiries, applications, and online views among your target audience.

How to Leverage AI in Your Marketing Plan
Whether you’re a beginner or a highly experienced school marketer, using AI as a tool in your strategy can be overwhelming. However, you’ll probably find that it’s a skill worth learning. Not only can it help you collect powerful data analytics, but it can also help you with SEO, improving consumer experience and generating content. It’s helpful to put a plan into place to make the process less daunting. It can be broken down into a few simple steps:
1. Assess Your School's Online Presence.
To decide where you need to go, you must first find out where you are. Is your school currently listed with any directories? Do you have much of a presence on any educational websites? A good way to find out more is to actually use ChatGPT to get some search results for key areas you’d like to target. For example, if you would like to target more athlete students for your program, ask ChatGPT to list the top schools for athletes in your state. If your school does not show up or shows up with very vague information, you have some work to do.
2. List Your School With Reliable Directories.
Whether you are listed in a directory or not, it can never hurt to ensure you’re listed on the most reliable. Opt for reputable sites like that are already recognized by AI machines for their credibility.
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3. Update and Verify Your School's Information.
Both search engines and AI bots favor fresh information. Make sure yours is up to date and optimized for the search results you want. Be sure the details are comprehensive and regularly updated.
4. Create Content for the Algorithm
If you can’t beat it, join it. AI is here to stay, so you may as well work the system. If you want your school to be indexed and found by AI when people are conducting searches, you need to know about keywords. Just like Google, when looking for answers, ChatGPT uses keywords to find them. For example, if someone asks it to list five popular gyms, it will scour the internet for gyms, using the most popular search terms. Make sure the content on your site and on your profiles contains good keywords.
5. Monitor and Adapt.
Conduct searches like the one described in step one frequently. It may be necessary to fine-tune your online directory listings occasionally and keep experimenting. You may also need to refine your content strategy until you find one that works. Relying on Google SEO alone will take much longer than listing your school with directories and positioning your school as an online presence that’s visible in a multitude of places.
The Future of AI and Education
As AI continues to evolve, it’s important for all businesses, including schools, to adapt to the changes. The ones that are proactive in their approach to using it will have a competitive advantage in their industry. Enrolling your school in a reputable online directory not only positions you for AI interactions but also prepares you for the future of AI integration in your marketing and business plans.
It’s also important to note that ChatGPT and models like it are just the beginning. Others are emerging every day, and they are advancing faster than anyone might have expected. Establishing an online presence now is essential to the success of your school both now and in the future. Stay ahead of the curve by making your school easily found.
AI’s influence on the information landscape cannot be ignored. As it becomes an important part of daily life on the Internet, schools must consider how their information is shared and discovered. Online directories like offer a unique opportunity to present your school in the best light and get it properly positioned for AI discovery. By doing do, you’ll give your school a better chance of being found by AI, meaning it’s more easily found by prospective students, parents, school counselors, and even researchers looking to share information.
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