Christian Alliance International School
- from 5
- to 17 years old
25 different nationalities
- from 123200
Founded in 2017
Alberta Accredited International School - Canada, Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate
The CAIS academic culture is rigorous and enthusiastic. Advanced Placement courses complement the world class Alberta Curriculum. Students can also progress through to the IB Diploma Programme during their final two years of secondary education.
Extra curricular
From sports to STEM, CAIS offers a rich variety of opportunities for students to inquire, create, cooperate, and compete through diverse courses by external providers and our own teachers. A wide array of enrichment activities after regular school hours are led by special instructors engaged by the school, aiming to both discover and cultivate new interests and talents.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Christian Alliance International School?
- from 123200
Things to know
Preparatory to Grade 12
- In total, Christian Alliance International School enrolls
- 25 different nationalities.