Avenues São Paulo
- from 2
- to 18 years old
40 different nationalities
- from 198000
- to 198000
1200 students
Founded in 2018
Avenues São Paulo takes both Brazilian and international educational standards seriously, offering an integrated Brazilian program that incorporates the national curriculum. From the very first year of school, students embark on a path to global citizenship. In the Primary Division, our youngest learners benefit from a full English immersion program, with the support of two teachers per classroom. For older students, the Secondary Division curriculum is designed to challenge and support their growth while broadening their global perspectives.
Extra curricular
Avenues São Paulo offers a comprehensive extracurricular program in its extensive facilities. In the Primary Division (from Nursery to 5th Grade), students can choose from a wide range of activities, such as sports, robotics, cooking, Mandarin, theater, and private music lessons, which are not included in the tuition.
In the Secondary Division (from 6th to 12th Grade), Avenues São Paulo has boys’ and girls’ soccer, futsal, volleyball, and basketball teams that compete in local sports leagues. We also have student-led clubs, such as Model UN, investments, jazz, philosophy, physics, and journalism, among others, offering students the opportunity to explore various interests.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Avenues São Paulo?
- from 198000
- to 198000
Things to know
Small World (18 months) – 12th grade
How many students are in Avenues São Paulo?
1200 students
- In total, Avenues São Paulo enrolls
- 1200 students from
- 40 different nationalities.