THINK Global School
- from 15
- to 18 years old
25 different nationalities
- to 94050
41 students
Founded in 2010
Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)
THINK Global School’s Changemaker Curriculum is reviewed and accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.
Besides travel, what makes THINK Global School so unique is its Changemaker Curriculum. Rather than educate students in the traditional classroom setting, THINK Global School takes full advantage of the countries it calls home through project-based learning.
During project-based learning, students explore real-world problems by creating and implementing projects that address them. These projects allow students to be hands-on and in charge of their education rather than simply listening to teachers lecture. Students discover their strengths and how to apply them during their project work and develop critical 21st-century skills such as communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity, which are integral for success at university and beyond.
What sets THINK Global School apart from other schools offering a project-based curriculum is that projects are designed around the countries the students inhabit. THINK Global School educators develop projects relevant to each country, meaning students regularly engage in work focused on significant local issues.
Each country is an opportunity to meet with a wide array of local experts, guest speakers, and other individuals who provide a comprehensive picture of the topic at hand and provide meaningful career advice that will aid the student in deciding on the best university to attend or start-up to intern at.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to THINK Global School?
- to 94050
Boarding school tuition
Things to know
Grades: 10-12
How many students are in THINK Global School?
41 students
- In total, THINK Global School enrolls
- 41 students from
- 25 different nationalities.
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