TASIS The American School in Switzerland

TASIS The American School in Switzerland
- from 3
- to 19 years old
67 different nationalities
- from 30000
- to 105000
765 students
Founded in 1956
Any student graduating from TASIS The American School in Switzerland has earned, at a minimum, a standard US-accredited High School Diploma and can expect to gain admission to quality universities, particularly in the United States. Students who are driven to find a home at one of the world’s most selective universities can do so by pursuing an International Baccalaureate Diploma or by taking a number of Advanced Placement courses and scoring highly on the corresponding exams. Students may further bolster their candidacy by performing well on standardized tests, writing excellent personal statements, securing strong reference letters, and exhibiting an impressive commitment to some combination of the arts, athletics, local and global service, and leadership positions on or off campus. In short, there are many paths to success at TASIS.
Extra curricular
TASIS encourages physical fitness and healthy lifestyles. Varsity sports teams compete throughout Europe, and a variety of other fitness activities are offered to cater to all interests. Each year also brings many opportunities to ski and explore the breathtaking Alps. Students leave TASIS with a heightened appreciation for the outdoors and an understanding of what it takes to succeed in challenging environments.
We welcome boarding students beginning in grade six. Every boarding student has the right to expect peace, reasonable privacy, respect for feelings and belongings, and a safe living environment in his or her dorm room. As the dormitory is a student’s temporary home, as well as the more permanent home of the dorm faculty, consideration for others and community spirit are vital. When cooperation and understanding prevail, residential life becomes the source of meaningful and lasting friendships.
Dining room
Soccer court
Basketball court
Volleyball court
Arts room
Computer room
Music room
Running track
Science room
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to TASIS The American School in Switzerland?
- from 30000
- to 105000
Things to know
Pre-Kindergarten through Postgraduate
How many students are in TASIS The American School in Switzerland?
765 students
- In total, TASIS The American School in Switzerland enrolls
- 765 students from
- 67 different nationalities.