Taejon Christian International School

Taejon Christian International School
- from 4
- to 19 years old
22 different nationalities
- from 20000
- to 40000
400 students
Founded in 1958
Academic programs accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (USA); Authorized Three Programme IB World School; Boarding Program accredited by the Association of Christian Schools International
International Baccalaureate, American Curriculum
Extra curricular
There are a wide variety of Academic, Cultural, Health & Activity, and Special Interest clubs and activities available at all levels in the school. All grade levels have opportunities for involvement in organized sports. Sports, clubs and activities on offer are run by faculty, parents, and/or locally contracted agents.
Tuition and fees per year
How much does it cost to go to Taejon Christian International School?
- from 20000
- to 40000
Things to know
Grades K1-12
How many students are in Taejon Christian International School?
400 students
- In total, Taejon Christian International School enrolls
- 400 students from
- 22 different nationalities.